Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Taylor Hanson and His Wife Are Expecting Their Fourth Child

Holy fucking hell. The middle Hanson kiddo and his wife, Natalie, are expecting baby number four this winter. Please note that Natalie is 24 years old and Taylor is 25. This kind of shit never ceases to amaze me. What kind of 24-year-old wants four children? I'm 26 and I have four small animals, and even that's a little overwhelming. Plus none of them grew in my stomach and I still feel like I kind of need a tummy tuck because my tummy looks less like the tummy of a 20-year-old and more like the tummy of a 26-year-old, and I find that to be hor...

Another Suri Cruise Photo Shoot

While Brad and Angelina are charging $8 gazillion for like five photos of their children, Katie Holmes has Suri wandering around New York all day every day posing for anybody with a camera. Like, I understand the photos of them outside; it's unreasonable to expect Katie to keep Suri locked up in a tower all day. But what's with the 8000 photos of Suri inside a clothing store? Can't they keep the paparazzi out? Why is she letting them get all these photos of her little girl? She sure i...

Donnie Wahlberg’s Getting a Divorce

This is the conversation that New Kid on the Block Donnie Wahlberg and his wife, Kim Fey, have been having every day for the past year. WIFE: Let me get this straight. Just so we're clear. What you're going to do is spend the next two years traveling the country in a humiliating effort to revive a career that died definitively twenty years ago? DONNIE: Yes. WIFE: And you are aware that we have two children at home? That I will have to raise alone while you are fucking a 38-year-old forme...

Heidi Montag: “Overdosin'”

OMG. It's like, if you sat down to write the worst song ever, you probably couldn't come up with anything even remotely as bad as this. Heidi's put out some pretty sub-par material in her quest for success on the charts, but this is a new low. It gives you a whole new appreciation for the brilliant material we see from the likes of Ali Lohan and Ashlee Simpson. I don't know that I've ever heard a worse song in my life. And I'm counting, like, the little ditties my five-year-old cousin makes up about her shoes and her dolls and her boogers. Those songs are better than this one. It's an aptly named song, in that it makes you want to reach for a needle. Anything to block out the memory of this godawful song. Listen at your own risk. /> OMG. It's like, if you sat down to write the worst song ever, you probably couldn't come up with anything even remotely as bad as this. Heidi's put out some pretty sub-par material in her quest for success on the charts, but this is a new low. It gives you a whole new appreciation for the brilliant material we see from the likes of Ali Lohan and Ashlee Simpson. I don't know that I've ever heard a worse song in my life. And I'm counting, like, the little ditties my five-year-old cousin ...

RIP My Laptop

Late last night, my beautiful beloved laptop made the inevitable transition from moribund to just plain dead when I accidentally spilled half a glass of water on it. I took it apart, dried it out, and put it back together, but it was still doing things like adjusting screen brightness while I was trying to type an email. In fact, the entire keyboard was basically useless. When I pressed buttons, it didn't result in letters appearing on the screen. I tried explaining this to the guy at Dell Tech Support, and he was like, "Ma'am, please go online and type in the following web address so that I can take control of your computer and isolate the problem," and I'm like, "What part of 'the keyboard doesn't work' are you having trouble translating into Hindi?" Its time had come. I put it to sleep, shed a tear, then headed to Best Buy to get a new one. These things happen in threes, people. Please take good care of your laptops and make sure they know how much you love them. It could happen to you. Anyway, I'm super excited now because my new laptop works super fast, the way my computers work before they have the 18,000 viruses on them acquired when your line of work insists that you download sex tapes every other week. I'm going to take a little bit of time to try to get my software installed and then we'll be back to the gossip. Thanks for your patience! />Late last night, my beautiful beloved laptop made the inevitable transition from moribund to just plain dead when I accidentally spilled half a glass of water on it. I took it apart, dried it out, and put it back together, but it was still doing things like adjusting screen brightness while I was trying to type an email. In fact, the entire keyboard was basically useless. When I pressed buttons, it didn't result in letters appearing on the screen. I tried explaining this to the guy at Dell Tech Support,...

Hello Friends!

I was told to inform you that: Posting on EvilBeet will resume once The Beet has purchased a new laptop. Evidently hers is "completely fucked." I believe she's headed to Best Buy right now - so we should be back in bidness real soon. Best, Spiteful Lars />...

Everyone Is Totally Gay

At this weekend's Hot in Hollywood bash, TR Knight showed up with his nearly underage boyfriend, Mark Cornelsen, and Tila Tequila dragged along Courtenay "Least Photogenic" Semel. Seriously, poor Courtenay never takes a good picture. I mean, I'm not the most photogenic person on the planet, either, but I'm not showing up on red carpets every day standing next to one of the most photogenic people on the planet. I hope she gives head better than she gives face. For Tila's sake. I mean, I assume Courtenay is flaunting this new relationship to get back at Lindsay...

Living La Vida Oprah

Some people will do anything for a book deal. Up now: 35-year-old Robyn Okran, who is dedicating a year to doing everything Oprah says to do, to see if it will actually improve her quality of life. Right now she's blogging about it on, but you'd better believe she's looking to get a book deal out of this shit. Because she's not running any ads on her website, and nobody in their right mind would do this for free. Ms. Okrant, a yoga teacher who recently completed an M.F.A. in ...