Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney to Finally Record Duet with Justin???

Sources are reporting that Britney Spears will do a duet with Justin Timberlake, and that it’ll appear on Britney’s new album, due at the end of the year. (Really? That’s soon!)

Um, I wonder how Jessica Biel feels about Britney and Justin spending all that studio time together?

Because, really, how freakin’ phenomenal would it be if Brit and Justin got back together? I don’t think anything could make me happier. And then if they got married and started adopting kids from Africa? Oh, oh, oh! I can’t think about this anymore, I get too worked up.

35 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I definitely agree, Beet! It’s awesome news AND I would love to see them together! :)

    One thing, though… Brit’s already recorded a song featuring Justin called “What It’s Like to be Me” from her “Britney” album. Justin only has a small part in it, but still… just sayin’.

  • That’s the equivalent of saying that BJ from “BJ and the Bear” and Erik Estrada from CHiPs are going to record an album together… who really cares at this point?

    Spears is washed up no matter what she does… absent a musical version of Quentin Tarrintino reviving her career a la John Travolta, nobody will take her seriously anymore.

    Timberlake never was much out of his boy band. Yeah, he sold records to throngs of teeniebopper hangers-on, but listen to his recent stuff… its all computer modulated and technoed up. He should contact Shawn Cassidy now and ask him for advice on what to do with his time when his career fizzles out.

  • Why the hell did she have to go off and get married and get sperminated…2x! She used to be so gorgeous with the world at her feet.

  • i don’t think the married and sperminated were what did her in, more like drugs + unlimited funds + a dash of the crazy, and voila!!!

  • my man justin ain’t about to hook up with some two bit, poorly aging, singer/actress that’s now considered used goods, with c section scars and skanky photos posted all over the internet. oh wait, yeah, he did date cameron diaz, didn’t he.

  • Hate to burst the bubble of those who think Brit can sing…go to Youtube…”Britney’s real singing voice”….from her HBO Special…ARRRG!!!!! Really hard to listen to….painfull.

  • If talent were energy – the talent contained in this duo could run the state of Texas for a couple of months. It would be nice if they stopped trying to be bad-assed trash and just start making music and more music and just leave all the other crap behind.


  • It’d be awesome if they got back together. she’ll probably still suck as a singer. she’s not the innocent cute popster that made her, her millions…but atleast she won’t be crazy!!

  • i think this is a really old pic. pre-k-fed but you can see the crazy in her eyes already. i think torching her relationship with justin was the first significant nutty thing she did.

  • God dammit don’t start that retarded nickname bullshit. Ughhhhhhh.

    Justin solo work has been innovative and I like most of it. Britney…eh. It’s nice of him, I guess.

  • really that would be amazing…4 wait they song and videos a duet,I hope this really sure 4 make next Britney’s back on world music.and I hope this they a duet can be torching they relationship,and make start got back they together on they music and video music,really….awesome wait 4 they fans all around the world.

  • really that would be amazing…4 wait they song and videos a duet,I hope this really sure 4 make next Britney’s back on world music.and I hope this they a duet can be torching they relationship,and make start got back they together on they music and video music,really….awesome wait 4 they fans all around the world.

  • Omg that would be great if they got back together!
    I remember when I was little and they were still together. I was completely devastated when they broke up.:(
    They seriously need to make up and get back together!
    That’ll probably never happen though since he sold her out on national television…
    Wishful thinking!!!