Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“I think that maybe Lauren is tired of [being on the show], but we’re just beginning. We’re not even remotely sick of it.”

Heidi Montag, without even a hint of irony, tells Ryan Seacrest on his radio show.

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  • ok PLEASE tell me what it means when you put words and phrases in [ ] <- these?? please somebody please. im 19 and too old/humiliated to ask anyone i actually know..

  • hi elle: you put phrases in []/ brackets when it is a paraphrase or change of the exact wording of a quote. at least, that’s the definition i think i remember from grammar. it’s been a long time. ;-)

  • Hey Elle, it’s when you’re quoting someone on paper and you add some of your own words into it to make it clearer for the reader, but the person didn’t actually say it. So in this case, Heidi said, “…Lauren is tired of, but we’re…” but if you quote her like that it wouldn’t make sense to the reader, so someone added in [being on the show].

  • @Elle:

    Yeah, basically Heidi said something like, “Lauren is tired of it,” but to make the quote make sense out of context, you change “it” to “being on the show.” The brackets indicate that she didn’t actually say those exact words.

  • wow thanks guys… it allllll makes sense now. this site is alot more friendly and less bitchy than perez hiltons.

  • Okay, I’ll say it. Heidi is rocking that dress! Spencer should marry Lance Bass and let his beard grow and go.

  • oh my. right when heidi is wearing a semi-cute dress…it still looks like crap cuz it’s WAY TOO TIGHT ON HER! uck.

  • she does look good here. i’ve never thought of her in this context before, but if i was a man i would bend her over, shove her face in a pillow (sideways, of course, so she could still breathe) and make her “remotely sick of it”. but i’m not a man, so i guess i didn’t just think that.

  • why won’t they go away? what did we ever do to them? when i heard the title of her song was overdosin, i caught myself wishing she would. that’s so not nice, but i really, really want them to disappear of the face of the earth!