Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Disabilities Groups Plan to Boycott Tropic Thunder

As I mentioned earlier in the week, I had the opportunity to see the absolutely hilarious Tropic Thunder at the press screening and I LOVED it.

However, Robert Downey Jr is in blackface, like, the entire time. In fact, it was about halfway through the movie that I turned to the girl sitting next to me and said, “Holy shit. That’s actually Robert Downey Jr., isn’t it?” And she was like, “Uh, yeah.” But he is 100% black man throughout the entire movie, and I remember thinking, like, “Won’t some African American groups take serious issue with this?” So far, it doesn’t seem to be an issue.

Others have pointed out that Tom Cruise’s character is pretty much a caricature of the power-hungry Jewish financier, but his character is based on Sumner Redstone, a man universally hated by all the other power-hungry Jewish financiers, as well as the rest of the world, so we don’t have a problem there.

No, no, the problem comes from the fact that Ben Stiller’s character, an actor named Tugg Speedman, once did a film called Simple Jack where he plays a mentally disabled guy as a blatant attempt at an Oscar. And now the disabilities groups are pissed.

“Not only might it happen, it will happen,” Timothy P. Shriver, chairman of the Special Olympics, said of the expected push for a boycott. Speaking by phone, Mr. Shriver said he planned to be in Los Angeles with representatives of his group and others to picket the movie’s premiere on Monday evening in this city’s Westwood district.

A particular sore point has been the film’s repeated use of the term “retard” in referring to a character, Simple Jack, who is played by Mr. Stiller in a subplot about an actor who chases an Oscar by portraying a mindless dolt.

Mr. Shriver said that he had also begun to ask members of Congress for a resolution condemning what he called the movie’s “hate speech” and calling for stronger federal support of those seeking online ADHD diagnosis and treatment as well as the intellectually disabled.

DreamWorks says it has no plans to pull the references from the film. The Simple Jack thing isn’t just a passing bit — it’s woven into the framework of the story in several key places, so they can’t just pull it out.

It doesn’t matter anyway, though. This’ll just help the film’s box office take. Audiences will hear about this boycott and be like, “Dude, if the retard groups are pissed, that means this shit is seriously funny.”

And it is. Oh, it is.

35 CommentsLeave a comment

  • this is so awesome. when i first heard about this movie i threw it in the “wait for the dvd” category in my mind. but now it is definitely on the “spend $25 to see it in the theater and it might not be a total waste” list.

  • I am a parent of a 5 year old son with Down syndrome.

    I’m sure that, growing up, I used the word “retard” in a derogatory way.

    Now I know better.

    I didn’t plan on having a child who was mentally retarded, and I’m sure that if you asked me before he was born if I wanted one, I would have said no. But now, I have him. I love him. I cannot imagine life without him. He is a wonderful human being, who has feelings. And people are ridiculing HIM by using this word in a derogatory way. It IS the same as the N word. You are using a word to bash a group of people. And the majority of the population with mental disabilities cannot advocate for themselves, which makes you a BULLY. And my child does not deserve to be bullied. What has he done to you?

    I am tired of having this word thrown around. Right away I think of “Napoleon Dynamite”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “2 1/2 Men”. There has been many a night that my husband and I have changed the channel because, suddenly, there was THE word. The problem is, I can’t stop the kids in school from saying it. And my son will be starting kindergarten next month. And I have three other children who have to hear it, and the word bothers them, also.

    I am all for free speech, and I am by no means a prude. However, I am against something that is hurting others. It’s one thing to say the word in the movie, but another to have it be what you consider an important tag-line, and will probably be on t-shirts, etc. (oh boy, can’t wait for that).

    It is my job to protect my son. And I will do whatever it takes. I don’t care if you think that I’m whining…think of somebody that you love with all of your heart and soul. Now think of how you would feel if other people were making fun of them. I don’t care how tough you say you are, it would hurt you, also.

    It’s time to grow up. Making fun of others isn’t funny. I pray that you never find yourself in a situation that, suddenly, you or a loved one are mentally challenged. How about a horrific car accident that leaves your brother, sister, or even your child with a traumatic brain injury? You want your friends calling them a retard?

    Not to mention that most children born with Down syndrome have to fight for their lives due to heart defects and have gone through more in the first year of their lives than most adults have. Do they deserve to be called “retards?”

    Stepping off my soapbox and going to hug my son.

  • God, those groups can be so retarded sometimes! :-)

    By the way, words only have the power that people give them. As I’ve said before, that’s why my favorite word is “cunt” – because it still has the same vulgar and offensive effect that the word was intended to invoke. When you say “fuck,” “shit,” “ass,” “dick,” etc., nobody really gives pause… but when you say “cunt” it invokes a reaction that give the word power.

    My point being… So what if somebody uses the word “retard” or any derivative of it?!! Ignore it!!!

  • Also, while I agree that cunt still has the shock value that many other words have lost, I am uncomfortable with its usage because it’s derogatory to women. Seriously. If I’m a girl, I can call another girl a cunt and it’s probably okay. Except that I’m about to beat her up. If a guy calls a girl a cunt, I’m not cool with that. It’s like the N word for girls.

    If a guy called me a cunt, I’d killlllll him.

  • Thanks Melissa for the human perspective that negates any element of humor that is derived from exploiting those who can’t defend themselves….If Ben Stiller had a specially challenged child, I am sure this wouldn’t be in the movie….

  • melissa, you gave me pause and i hate the word. but i have used it. just like,”gay” too. but my sister is gay and my brother was. and i want gays to have every right we do. retarded is not a good choice to use, so normally i try to use alternatives.

  • I must say Beet, I don’t agree with you here. Hearing this makes me want to see it less. I feel for Melissa. I have no children, but I do have an with slight autism. It’s disgusting how people treat him. Don’t get me wrong, the last thing he wants is pity, but some respect would be nice.

  • @ Asta: Again, it’s a word. When I first got to Australia (where they shorten everything) I heard somebody use the “A” word… it sounded like a normal abbreviation that all Australians use regularly and I thought nothing of it. Months later I learned that that “A” word was the American version of the “N” word… but had I not been informed of its meaning, it meant nothing to me. Words only have the meaning we give them… you find the word derogatory towards women, but it’s only slang for a body part… just like the word “dick” which I don’t think is derogatory towards a man.

    Now the whole argument of “Well, I can use it because I am in that category of people it’s meant to offend” is crap. It’s crap for black people t say they ca use the “n” word but nobody else can, and it’s crap that woman can use the “c” word and nobody else can.

  • so… moving on to something lighter, i believe it’s time for more shots of more toned abs and pubic bones. =)

  • You know, I should note that the film is really more focused on making fun of actors who play mentally disabled folks as a blatant Oscar ploy than on making fun of mentally disabled folks themselves. And while I can respect and understand the point that many of you are making, I’m sticking to my guns: this sort of publicity will only increase the box office draw of a film like this.

  • Yay! Someone responded to me seriously!

    In theory I agree with you. However, I cannot help the visceral reaction I have to the word. I shall ponder on this for a while.

    I guess I’d say that yes, words do have power because we give it to them. I don’t think people are going to take this away from charged words like we’re discussing any time soon. I don’t know how, say, fuck was perceived in the past, but now it’s used so often that no one bats an eye. Except my mom. But she’s a cunt.

    We should probably overuse all these words to take away their power, too.

  • Beet, stick to what you’re good at. Mindless gossip & pictures of celebrities is the only reason we go here. Whenever you try to report on anything more serious it just BOMBS.

  • isn’t the proper discription of someone with down syndrome “mentally disabled”? will it be changed again when people decide that the word disabled is offensive?? i agree that it is only a word and it only holds the power you allow it to hold. is using it politically correct, probably not. am i going to see the movie? you bet – it looks funny. so sue me.

  • thanks beet, melissa, asta, down unda and tigerlille for thought provoking posts. you’ve given me a lot to think about. who knew that would happen on a gossip site!

  • I do not like this word. Sure, I used it when I was younger and more naive. I have four children, and I catch my older daughter saying it sometimes. I don’t like the feeling I get when I hear it, and I try to educate her on the meaning and how derogatory it is. Her best friend is African-American and I ask her how she feels when she hears the ‘N’ word. It’s the same concept – although I wouldn’t try to tell people of that ethnicity whether or not THEY should use it – it’s others using that is the problem, I think. People can be callous and cruel, even without intending to be. It’s our job to educate our children and others when they say things w/out thinking.

    I agree that in the movie, they were most likely poking fun at actors more so than the group of people the ‘R’ word represents. Not that it makes it okay at all. I also agree with Beet that this will only increase the draw of the film. Nothing like controversy makes free advertising… or something like that :)

    And… well said, Melissa.

  • Hm.
    I still want to see the movie. I was wondering if it’d be really funny, so thanks for your input on it!

  • I haven’t seen the movie yet, but it seems like some of the problem is that this fake movie poster has the word “retard” on it. It’s one thing when a character in a movie uses language or has a point of view that’s offensive. Then the audience is free to consider that character a jerk. But the premis that a movie studio would use that word on a promotional poster, to me, makes it more worse, not to mention ridiculous. I mean, I know this is supposed to be broad humor, but come on, who believes that a movie company would really use that word? It’s gratuitous and therefore offensive.

  • I don’t think the film makes fun of those with disabilities, it makes fun of hollywood’s transparent and manipulative attempt to portray them.

    It’s simply satire about a broken system.

  • Melissa, I’ve read and heard many parents say that they cannot imagine life without their Down syndrome children. I’m very glad these kids are being raised in loving, happy homes.

    But I agree with Beet and a couple others who say that the movie is making fun of Hollywood’s habit of using physical and mental differences as fodder for half-assed movies starring hammy actors. I.e., the movies are supposed to be “heart-warming” or “affirming” while they’re actually completely disrespectful. Thus on the poster, the sweet boy-and-his-horse photo contrasted with the use of “retard” in the tagline.

  • Listen- people should be HAPPY about this movie. Who’s the exploiters, anyway? Is it Ben Stiller, or is it Juliette Lewis, Sean Penn etc. who have done nothing but try to pad their resumes and maybe grab a golden statuette in the process. Do you mean to tell me that I Am Sam is a positive portrayal? In fact, dummies, why not watch that Farrelly Bros. movie with Johnny Knoxville as the guy trying to throw the Special Olympics? They actually USED disabled actors (who did a MAGNIFICENT job btw) and the end result was a movie that actually made you feel good for the right reasons.

  • Get over it you guys! I was fat all my life, are there any less movies about fat people being made fun of because I was called fatty fatty 2 by 4, couldn’t get through the kitchen door? I had to deal with it.

    If a movie offends you don’t go see it, tell other people how you feel, tell your kids how you feel, but I don’t think we should ever tell other people that they have to feel same as we you do and that the movie should not have been made or seen. We are lucky in this country that anyone who wants to can make movies and write books express themselves any way they want to no matter how it may not match our sensibilites.

  • Everyone needs to lighten up. Most of us have used words that are offensive to certain people. But we don’t do it with the intention and meaning of putting down certain people. They are used in a meaningless way.
    And has anyone heard of satire!!!
    And in the subject of who’s mouth certain words are said out of, there is much to be said. The conversation earlier about the word cunt being offensefull if it is said by a guy to a girl is stupid. This cuts straight into it being ok to have gender barriers and further goes to prove that a word as significant as you choose to perceive it (cause supposedly, its not that bad if a girl calls a girl a cunt, as stated on earlier comments)
    And the N word is getting brought up a lot. I don’t say that word, but explain to me why it would be fine for african americans to call mexican, wet backs; and whites, crackers. I have many african-american friends who throw those words around but just mean them as jokes. And most don’t find them offesive because it is said as joke, i don’t find it offesive either. But why do my friends get so offended when the N word comes up. Even as a joke.

  • I can’t wait till i can see this movie, i’ve looked forward to it
    since i’ve seen the commercials for it!,
    but what i dont get is why boycott this one?
    why not take away the movie “ringer”
    where johnny knoxville plays a retard, to get money from
    the special olympics.
    i mean seriously?
    me and my friends use retard all the time, its somethin’ you can
    try and stop but have fun doin’ so!
    just like
    i get called a porchmonkey all the time, and its racist to african americans i believe..
    im soo not sure anymore.
    i get called a squaw, and im native.
    but im more white than anythin’.

    you can’t stop every single “bad” word used these days.

  • Sorry to say but words are words. I honestly couldn’t care less if the word retard was used in this film. So was the term “Nigga” if my memory serves me right. It’s just apparently the black community isn’t as attention hungry as the mentally challenged advocacy community is. Don’t get me wrong. I feel for a challenged kid as much as the next person…It’s just seeing people blow something this far out of proportion annoys me because its obviously a ploy for attention to one community. Shame on the advocates of this for exploiting challenged people. You’re just as bad as the producers of this movie.
