Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Katie Holmes Jeans Watch

Now she’s just fucking with us.

She sits at home in her cage at night like “How can I take ugly jeans to the next level?”

It’s the only hobby she has left, you guys. Tom won’t even let her watch reruns of Dawson’s Creek anymore. So maybe we should go easy on her.


56 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Good lord, they’re ugly. x__x I seriously hope she’s not trying to get them back into style. And even if they possibly did, you wouldn’t catch me wearing them.

  • They look comfortable, at least. *shifty eyes* Um, but if she’s going for “comfy” she should really untuck her shirt.

  • honestly I think this is much, much better.

    I had a dream about you last night Beet, it was very odd. I emailed you for some reason or another and you though I was some guy you went to high school with and you were drunk and you offered to send me pictures of your nipples.
    Don’t ask me, I really don’t know.

  • I’m not in to the new high wasted jeans trend, but I actually kind of like those…and they look comfy.

  • i like the idea of wide legs….but these jeans make her look fat! and we can say what we want about her ULGY, UGLY jeans…but katie holmes is NOT fat!!

    those jeans…are an outrage on her. BURN THEM.

  • i actually agree with ‘anonymous’ on this one. with the right top and shoes (katie REALLY didnt ‘get it’) those pants could be HOT.

  • i agree with tania, those pants are really cute. maybe shes just trying to start a trend, and im loving it.

  • i’m done. i am not going to say it anymore; i know that there is an elephant in the room, but i am ignoring it just like the rest of us should without twitching.

  • Oops, I posted at the wrong place. She looks great, and very slender, in bell bottoms. But she is wearing the wrong kind of shoe. Boots are called for, with some heigth in the heel, so that the back hem of the jeans just brush the walking surface.

  • i think she looks freakin fabulous here. i love this look. not everyone needs to wear tight low-riders every day. it’s retro, yet fashion forward. i applaud kaie holmes for at least attempting to form her own style instead of being a cookie cutter clone of some played out stylist’s idea of what style is.

  • personally, i wouldn’t wear high waisted jeans, but she actually pulls them off quite well. that’s hard to do with that style.

  • um, what about her mini camel toe?!?!?
    i’m into the high waist, but not when i dissects ones labia.
    and she needs some fucking heels with pants like that.

  • Oh my goodness..come on Katie…sorry to tell ya but your stylist needs to go back to style school..

  • These are like, a cross between mom jeans, bell bottoms, and high waste pants.


    and whats with the little tie thingy as like a belt?!

  • what is the temperature in nyc? why is she constantly wearing sweaters? i still maintain that the jeans aren’t so bad – it is how and with what she is wearing them.

    a cute top, no sweater and some heals and the look would be quite nice.

  • as expected from people on this site, you all react extremley girly “liek omg LOOK AT THAT!!!!!” however, i’m not expecting you to like this style on her since you don’t appreciate an unoriginal style.

  • they look GOOD, i agree that her last few outfits have been weird, but she looks great here! you guys are delusional!

  • Those look like a cross between, mom jeans, bell bottoms, and high waste pants.


    and whats with the tie thingy as a belt?!

  • Beet – Wikipedia just said Nick Cannon was found dead. It’s probably fake, but please report on it if you hear anything!

  • WTF!!
    why do some people here think “she´s trying to set a trend”?? why should she sit in bed next to her horrible hubby and think “hmm I want to start a new fashion trend today” SERIOUSLY!!
    ok she married tom, that is insane enough, but I think she just wears clothes she likes. To the people whot think her outfit is not “glamourous” enough: she´s most probably running errands so why dress up and wear heels? Do you do that? She´s not Paris Hilton.
    I am definitely not a Katie fan but have to admit that I like her style these days…
    in her teens…horrifying!!
    meeting tom….kitchy
    marrying tom….style like 40-year-old mom
    now….pretty cool, fresh, non-slutty, not trying to be extraordinary (like slutienna miller with her oh-i-am-so-boho-bitch-galore-look)

  • Dear God…is the camel toe necessary? I guess we can expect it from a pair of jeans that look as though they can serve as both a pair of jeans, a winter scarf and a snow cap all in one…what happened to her? She used to be pretty fashionable but now she is moorfing into ick!

  • Rebellion, seeking attention, depression, poor self image, stupid designer’s peer pressure? Pick one or decide rich Katie’s channeling from her movie ‘Pieces of April’ is akin to mocking the poor and mentally handicapped.. having the fatally sad opportunity to live out their freakish fantasies in her own sad life?

  • I’m with tigerlille. These are great jeans for Katie if she could add some boots. She normally looks horribly skinny. Now she looks like she has hips and some shape. Much more feminine than her usual look. The real problem is the cardie. Shivers

  • You know the funny thing about this? Those jeans are fantastic. But never forget the Golden Rule.. “You wear the pants. Don’t let the pants wear you.” I’m going to have to say, Katie’s fallen out of the limelight in favor of her denim! Maybe she needs to look a little less.. I don’t know.. “imprisoned.”