Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Dark Knight Breaks Records!!!

Unsurprisingly, the flick brought in $155.34M this weekend, topping the previous record set by Spiderman 3 of $151.1M. However, analysts warn that ticket prices are higher than during Spiderman’s release, so it’s possible Spiderman actually sold more tickets.

In comparison, Mamma Mia! took the second spot — with $27.6M.

This is looking like it’s going to be Hollywood’s biggest box-office weekend ever.

10 CommentsLeave a comment


    I’m not surprised that Batman was such a success. Joker was Keith ledger, the Batman suit doesn’t have nipples and is a lot darker than the last movie of Batman. THIS MOVIE IS AWSOME!!

  • I just saw the movie,, and I must say its pretty long, but Good… Although Im still pissed/sad/confused on the fact that the movie didnt had a “In loving memory of…” or “… we wish u long….” or whatever the stuff they put at the end/beggining of the movie… poor Heath Ledger T_T … He deserved better

  • reeeeeeeeeeally good movie
    batman/bruce is sex on legs (L)
    and heath ledger does an a-m-a-z-i-n-g job
    everyone should see it

  • oh and the way he(Joker) passed his tonge and did that weird thing with his mouth… Marvelous… Loved him in the Nurse’s Dress.. In not saying just because hi died or anything But people got 2 admit that,, He was the BEST actor of the movie… at times you couldnt even tell it was actually Heath.. I mean the voice and the make up helped, but it was just a totally new type of character for him,, love the crazy side of the Joker..

  • Susie…they DID have an “In Memory Of…” for Heath Ledger. It was in the credits. Pay better attention before you accuse someone of disrespect. It’s YOU that didn’t watch the credits closely.

  • I saw Mama Mia this weekend. I have never been a Meryl Streep fan but this movie was hilarious. Never knew she could be so funny and the whole case was funny too. The audience obviously enjoyed it too because they were clapping at the end. If you go make you stay until the very end because its seems to be over but its not and you can’t miss the last part!

  • Well Dont Susie,
    I missed it too, BrittannyM is just a Crazy perfectionist RUDE bitch
    And I agree with you Heath looked pretty hot with the dress lol

  • I agree w/ Katyta about BrittanyM…RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I saw the movie & didn’t see any “In Memory of”-must’ve been becasue after 2 & 1/2 hours my ass was OUTTA THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Movie was great, but wayyyyyy too long. Christian Bale FTW!!! :) Yum.