Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lily Allen Strikes Back at Perez

Okay, okay, I know, there's been a lot of Perez-hating around here lately. But this time it's coming from Lily Allen, not me. On her most recent MySpace blog, Lily strikes back about Perez posting the following: In her blog rant from earlier today, Lily Allen spread a bunch of lies, most of which are easily debunked. Like this one! Claims the British trainwreck, "And this is not meant in any way [to be mean] but I'd never heard of Katy Perry before I came here [to L.A.] a few days ago, I didn't even know she was on Capitol." Uhmm, liar! Sources c...

Predictably, Insiders at Grey’s Anatomy Are Not Happy That Katherine Heigl Is Being Such a Bitch to Them

Remember how Katherine Heigl was all like "I'm not even going to try to win an Emmy this year because our writers suck so hard"? Yeah. So, um, the writers didn't take that so great. Says a GA insider: “The show bent over backwards to accommodate her film schedule, and then she criticizes the show for lack of material? It's an ungrateful slap in the face to the very writers responsible for her Emmy win in the first place." Heh. What Katherine really wants is for them to ...

Pam and Tommy: Back On!

Oooooooooof course. These two are like the Ross & Rachel of the real world. Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee are reportedly living together again. Pamela and the kids have moved in with me,” Tommy tells Rolling Stone. “It’s awesome, man. It’s definitely working. You can tell on the kids’ faces — they’re happy when we’re together ... We’ve only given it a try 800 times — 801, here we go.” Note: I know this photo includes Courtney Love, and Courtney Love has nothing to do with this s...

Tila Tequila Would Just Like You to Know That Gay Marriage Is Legal in California Because of Her

"It is because of me — I definitely think [my show] has helped the movement," she told Us Magazine recently. "Before it came out, everyone was still a little apprehensive about [same sex relationships]. Then they realized, 'Wow, everyone is really into this stuff, and it is fine.' The next thing you know, [gay marriage] is legal." OMG. I can't even begin to count all the things that are incorrect about that statement. But seriously, you guys, you can all sleep soundly tonight, knowing that gay marriage has gained not only widespread ...

Dr. Drew Apologizes for Tom Cruise Comments (Sorta)

I already weighed in on how stupid I feel it was of Dr. Drew Pinsky to run his mouth about Tom Cruise to Playboy, and apparently now Drew is realizing it was a mistake, too. So he's apologizing. Sort of. In a statement through his own lawyer, Drew says: "Dr. Drew meant no harm to Mr. Cruise and apologizes if his comments were hurtful ... Although Mr. Fields's [Tom's lawyer] intent is clearly to slander and discredit Dr. Drew, under no circumstances is Dr. Drew making a blanket diagnosi...

That’s Vice President Lopez to You!

Jennifer Lopez was spotted entering Barack Obama's office unannounced yesterday. The conclusion from the kids over at E!: Here are our best guesses: 1. She wants to be Barack’s running mate. 2. She wants to be Barack’s running mate. 3. She wants to be Barack’s running mate. Um, while I personally doubt that this is the case, I would love nothing more than to see Obama/Lopez on the ballot later this year. Seriously if Barack needs to raise taxes, you can just put JLo in a low-cut top and have her announce the news. No one will get mad. It's the kind of...

Today in Genius: Top Chef Junior

OMG I hate that I'm really excited about this. I've kind of gotten over the regular Top Chef. I haven't watched it in about a year. It just gets boring after awhile; same shit different day, you know? Who won last night anyway? Was it a chick? A year ago, the winner of Top Chef would be all over the news the next day. But today, no one seems to care at all. But I will totally watch this! The folks at Bravo have given the green light to Top Chef Junior, a version of Top Chef that will feature chefs between the ages of 13 and 16. What I'm most looking forward to is all the teenage sex they're going to be having when they're not cooking. It'll be dramatastic! /> OMG I hate that I'm really excited about this. I've kind of gotten over the regular Top Chef. I haven't watched it in about a year. It just gets boring after awhile; same shit different day, you know? Who won last night anyway? Was it a chick? A year ago, the winner of Top Chef would be all over the news the next day. But today, no one seems to care at all. But I will totally watch this! The folks at Bravo have given the green light to Top Chef Junior, a version of Top Chef that will feature chefs between the ages...

More Bad News About Perez’s Clothing Line

An employee of the Hot Topic where Perez Hilton held his big meet and greet (we have pictures of the "crowds"!!) send this email into Jossip: “Hello- I work at the HOT TOPIC where this piece of shit appearted on friday ( I was not working that day but showed up for shit n giggles ) ONLY 7 people showed up.SEVEN.That’s it.Mario was BEYOND upset texting and DEMENDING the right water,food,ETC he was a rude royal pain in the ass and BEYOND crass.Talking about scat porn,fisting some kid and otherbest left unsaid topics.My manager w...