Perez launched a new service on Wednesday:
Gossip on the Go, where you can pay $5/month to use your cell phone minutes to hear Perez call and tell you about news that he's going to report on his blog like 20 minutes later.
There are a few kinks in this business plan, and even the loyal readers of his site
managed to figure them out.
Namely: no one's going to pay
shit for something they can get for free.
On the other hand, it probably costs him very little to do, so if anyone's stupid enough to sign up, it's all profit. But I think the (predictable!) backlash he's getting from it cancels out any pecuniary gain. After his Hot Topic fiasco, he should have waited a little while before launching another dubious business enterprise. />Perez launched a new service on Wednesday: Gossip on the Go, where you can pay $5/month to use your cell phone minutes to hear Perez call and tell you about news that he's going to report on his blog like 20 minutes later.
There are a few kinks in this business plan, and even the loyal readers of his site managed to figure them out.
Namely: no one's going to pay shit for something they can get for free.
On the other hand, it probably costs him very little to do, so if anyone's stupid en...