Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Chilli, Just Because

I love her and we don’t see enough of her.

I’m still kind of root for her and Usher to get back together.

At the Female Success Factor “Creative Success” seminar in Brooklyn. Look, she’s helping!

Anyway, I’m back in Seattle safely with all the animals. Posting will now resume as normal.

19 CommentsLeave a comment

  • BEEEEET! no one else is up at this ungodly hour(inckuding you)but i got laid by this really hot boy and it was fantastic!

  • You do a great job and are hilarious! The best part of this posting is the fact that you’re a Seattleite. It’s so wonderful here!

    Regarding Chili; she is still beautiful and graceful despite all of the BS she’s had to go through and that’s beyond admirable and I’m glad you’re mentioning her.

  • No she’s not because she’s a smart girl. Why do you always have to put women down? Like calling the badass women on Sex and the City old hags. That’s just not cool dude.

    If a guy would have posted that you would have been like, “Yeah, hump, hump!!” There’s enough jackasses in the world, please don’t be one of them Donkey. (yes pun on jackass…)

  • This ptoto was uploaded to an interracial dating place and a guys said that he loves this lady. I am no sure weather it has been deleted by the customer.

  • Mercedes don’t be such an old hag. It was a fucking joke so knock that huge chip off your shoulder and dig out your rusty sense of humour.

    My comment had absolutely nothing to do with putting down anyone or any woman.

  • there was nothing funny about that joke. it was just degrading. not me digging out my “rusty sense of humor” but you realizng that stuff like that doesn’t fly.

  • ^maybe degrading was too strong a word, but do you really not see my point?

    first you put down 30-ish women who are actually successful, then you put down a girl who gets laid. Instead of saying, “hey these 4 women made a movie that broke a record at the box office!” or “Yeah, Lori got some cock!” you had to add a downer comment on both. When it comes to go-getter women like these, you post comments that slightly push them down, but that you disguise as funny.

    I wouldn’t have said anything if, for ex. for Indiana Jones, you would have posted something about Harrison F. being an ugly-ass old fart with wrinkles, but you didn’t. Sopmehoe these comments of yours only get aimed at these types of women.

    If you can show me a comment where you bashed a successful guy with a one-line comment like you did above or called him a name similar to hag, I’ll be more than happy to stop hounding on you.