Today's Evil Beet Gossip


I just love everything about Zooey Deschanel.

Here she is looking cute as hell at the NYC premiere of The Happening.

I was supposed to go to the preview screening of this film today, but then it got awful reviews at the LA screening on Sunday, so I decided to take a little nap instead. I’ll catch it when it’s on HBO.

Also there: Mischa Barton and Abigail Breslin.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Zooey Deschanel is my hero. Everything about her is seriously so chic and effortlessly cool. Loves ittt.

    And Abigail Breslin is the cutest little thing in Hollywood. She dresses so appropriately for her age and is so talented.

    All I can really say about Mischa Barton, however…
    Is that her shoes are fucking amazing.
    But you can totally see crazy cellulite on her left leg.
    So much for those pictures being photoshopped, huh?
    There’s nothing wrong with cellulite, just stop denying it whorebag.
    Sorry, I hate her. :]

  • i’m in love with zoey. if i was a guy, this is totally the kind of gal i would go for!

  • I love Zooey, but my boyfriend despises her for some reason that I can’t figure out. I think she’s gorgeous.

  • I don’t know about this woman’s qualities
    but I really enjoy Emily Deschanel,the sister you never tell us about

  • well Junkets,it’s a matter of taste
    I won’t discuss that
    I like her acting in Bones
    and I think she puts a special charm to the show
    of intellectual quality and else

  • Both Zooey and Mischa look cute, and so does Abigail, except for the shoes – those things are heinous.