Today's Evil Beet Gossip

We Never Should Have Let Paris Hilton Set Foot in New York City

A new report indicates that over one in four New Yorker has genital herpes.


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  • I’m pretty sure that statistic extends to the general population if not close…it’s more common than anyone thinks and really, is not that big of a deal. It’s a shame people are still so ignorant about it and neglect to inform themselves on the real facts.
    I’m a little disappointed to come on here and be reminded of just how dirty I am (and I’ve slept with one person).

  • there`s really no telling how far and wide the prevailing winds will carry this unsightly virus……we should all be afraid….very afraid!
    hey Paris…….in the name of God…..close your legs and put your knickers back on , will ya !!

  • Actually one out of four Americans have genital herpes. And one out of two teenagers in America has an STD. So good luck!

  • If you’ve got the cauliflower hanging off your genitals then maybe you ARE dirty. Cry me a river. I think it’s hilarious. Paris is a fucking herpe.