Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh Happy Day!

I went into Laremy’s office to whine about two things:

1) The fact that I didn’t have a laptop charger and my laptop was dead
2) My inexplicable bad mood

I left with the following things:

1) A laptop charger, so I have a working laptop again
2) A complimentary copy of The Andromeda Strain miniseries DVD — which I was pissed about missing when it was on television — courtesy of the production company, which perked me up

There is an important lesson here, kids:

Whining works. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Oh, and also, I just remembered that my period is supposed to start tomorrow, which totally explains the inexplicable bad mood.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • watch the 1st half, be impressed and intrigued to finish the story – watch the second half and be prepared to make fun of the horrible writing!

  • The miniseries is a big disappointment. I haven’t watched one since middle school (Stephen King’s “The Stand”…love it) so I was all excited to watch another doomsday miniseries. But no…it was no good, in oh, so many ways. But you’ve got it on DVD….so save it for a rainy day. It does have Eric McCormack in it, showing off a hot man-bod.

  • My hubby & DVR’d it & I thought it was okay. I agree that the 1st half was better than the 2nd. I watch LOST & I LOVE JIN!!! (his character name, Ida know his real name) & who knows with that show,but it appears that he dies. And he’s in The Andromeda Strain so it was great to see him again!

  • I still can’t believe that after 13 years I’m still like “Why does my stomach hurt? Why am I crying at that Hallmark commercial? Why do I want to strangle this cashier?”…..I still haven’t figured it out. So don’t worry Beet, you’re not alone. Periods still perplex me too.

  • Oh Beet,
    If you’re wondering about the bad mood, it can totally be attributed to the Seattle weather. I know you just moved here a little while ago and haven’t experienced the soul sucking-osity of this gloom for too long…..but that’d be my guess. Perk up! It’s supposed to get sunny in a few weeks or so!