Says Angie in a recent interview:
“I think sometimes you have to distance yourself from relationships you feel are unhealthy for you. But we have spoken recently and we are going to try to get to know each other and maybe try not to be this daddy and daughter, but to be there for each other as friends in the coming years.”
I don’t know why this makes me so happy, but it does. Family forgiveness is awesome. And it’s great that those kids might have another granddaddy in their lives. Granddaddies rule. My grandpa, who is as passionate about reading the newspaper as he is about his health, called me up the other day to tell me that he’d read in the paper that studies show people have more luck quitting smoking if they have a quitting buddy. So he said he would be my quitting buddy (even though he’s never smoked), and he mailed me a little packet of quit-smoking tips. My grandpa is adorable and amazing. And, for all of you who have asked, the quitting smoking has been on and off — good days and bad days — but hopefully with my new quitting buddy, I’ll be able to kick the habit for good.
Gee, I knew the sky looked bluer today! Now I know why!
Good luck quitting!!!!!!!!!
Withdraw from sucking real smoke, annoying your friends, family, government and get a hit of nicotine, then quit smoking altogether without the jangled nerves, mind seizures and rude behavior outburst.
one place out of many selling smokeless cigs with nicotine.
Keep trying to stop.
aw, your granddad is too cute.
Beet – I know this sounds stupid, but buy Allen Carr’s book – the Easy Way to Stop Smoking. I have had several friends quit while reading it, without hating their life, without withdrawl, without wanting one every second afterwards. I read it most of the way through and quit for five days (i know, i know, not that long….but i was supposed to FINISH the book!) and didn’t have a single problem…until i got trashed at a pepper concert. i’m in the middle of reading it again. At least look it up online – it can’t hurt you!
aww grandpa’s are amazing!
hopefully it will work with your buddy!
Good luck quitting! You can do it!! I don’t have any useful tips on how to do it, i did it cold turkey, but the benefits are SOOOO worth it. It’s a whole body cleansing experience. I can’t imagine putting that in my lungs now. when i’m around smoke now i can barely breathe.
Yea..They are talking. Time to bury the hatchet and be a family!
Awww, that’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard today beet -about your buddy- =’)
And about Angie and papa Voight, that rocks! Keep it going (y)
With all this talk of how hard it is to quit, im seriously regretting this smoking habit ive got myself into.