Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh Hells Yes: Michael Lohan Weighs in on Living Lohan

The folks at OK! magazine have done something truly genius: they are getting Michael Lohan to write a weekly blog about Living Lohan. Oh, oh, oh!!! Oh! Sooooo wonderful. I enjoyed the premiere on Monday night. Heh, I loved how Dina Lohan called that blogger and was all like "I've already talked to my attorneys" when the only person she'd talked to was Lindsay. Angry managers are so full of shit. And I like how Ali's so ridiculously trusting of everyone and is totally going to get burned and then get drunk and then go to rehab. Anyway, here's what Papa Lohan had to say:
Soooooo, you want a comment on the first episode of Living Lohan? Well, let's see... If I were to look at things from a wordly perspective, I would probably have a lot to say about exploitation, hypocrisy and even deception — and maybe at a later date, I might just do so. For now, let's just say I'm still trying to figure out if this show is about managing Ali's career and being a "real" mother, or reading tabloids. I've had a sneak peek at some future episodes and I will say that some of the people Dina surrounds the kids with still concerns me — again, I can address that when they appear on the show. I just hope Dina takes the high road — like a Lohan would — and rights these wrongs. If this show is about the being a mother and a manager, the most important thing is to set a good example by instilling positive values, and doing what's right for the kid's sake. Not for our own! I wish Ali, Cody and Dina the best on the show and pray that they get what they want out of it.
/>The folks at OK! magazine have done something truly genius: they are getting Michael Lohan to write a weekly blog about Living Lohan. Oh, oh, oh!!! Oh! Sooooo wonderful. I enjoyed the premiere on Monday night. Heh, I loved how Dina Lohan called that blogger and was all like "I've already talked to my attorneys" when the only person she'd talked to was Lindsay. Angry managers are so full of shit. And I like how Ali's so ridiculously trusting of everyone and is totally going to get burned and the...

NOT Filming!

So I don't usually run them, but there are normally like 8000 photos of Gossip Girl filming on the photo services on any given day. That's just what happens when you film on the streets on NYC. So I see this photo, I figure it's from filming, and I'm like "Holy shit, Serena and Dan end up getting back together!" and I was all excited, and then I was like, "Wait, isn't the show on hiatus?" and then I checked the caption and learned that this isn't from the set and then I was REALLY excited! Th...

Work Out Much?

Melanie Brown shows off her rock-hard abs on Miami Beach, while on vacation with hubby Stephen Belafonte. So my trainer is always talking about getting me my "Gwyneth legs," since I'm so obsessed with how great her legs look. I'd like to add that I now also need my "Mel B stomach." I guess that means I will have to stop stuffing my face with avocados and stop whining when we do ab exercises. And every time I take Leo for a walk and we go uphill for any period of time I'm like, "Yay, I did m...

Happy Birthday, Kingston!

A very pregnant Gwen Stefani hangs out with son Kingston at his second birthday party. Guests included Kate Beckinsale and Courteney Cox. And apparently some manner of huge blow-up jumpy machine. Those are the best. Seriously I want a kid just to throw the birthday parties. And what I plan to do is buy a ton of those fun jumpy machines, those little pools filled with colored balls, and especially those awesome Velcro machines where you wear the suit and jump off a trampoline and stick to a Velc...

Jessica and Tony: Spotted on a Date

I wonder how much Papa Joe paid him to do this. Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo were spotted at N9NE steakhouse in Dallas on Saturday. "They were holding hands, in a good mood and happy," says a source. "They looked like they were on a date together." They shared a corner booth and left together. Tony then dropped Jessica off and went to Papa Joe's house, where he was slipped a manilla envelope full of hundred dollar bills. ...

Happy Memorial Day!

It's super exciting to have the day off from work and all the varied stresses that come along with following Lindsay Lohan's every Sapphic move -- I'm on my way out to meet a friend for brunch and then watch the Jon & Kate Plus 8 marathon on my DVR for the remainder of the day -- but let's take a second and remember all the lives that were lost so that we could have a Monday off from work. Seriously, though, while you're out there getting wasted, or laying on the beach, or BBQ-ing, or wat...

Well, Look Who’s Suddenly Hot Again

When he's not wearing eight pounds of makeup and goth-wear, Jared Leto can sometimes remind a girl why she fell in love with Jordan Catalano. Here's Jared chillin' with the bikers at Cross Creek in Malibu. I used to date a guy who drove a Harley. On Sunday mornings, I'd come over to his house, get on his bike with him, and we'd drive up to Cross Creek. All the bikers meet up, eat breakfast at a local restaurant, and then head off to bike around the canyons. I know exactly where he's sta...

Did Joey Kill Drea de Matteo’s Career?

The fabulous Drea, who we first met on The Sopranos and then later as the female lead on Joey, hasn't really worked much since the Friends spin-off got canned. And apparently she thinks the show had something to do with it. Says a source who overheard her talking in NYC: "She was saying 'Joey' completely ruined her career. She called it horrible and said she hasn't been able to really work since then. She said she's really been out of the business and is trying to get back in." Eh, I don...

Have John and Jen Been Together Longer Than We Thought?

To the public, Jennifer Aniston's romance with John Mayer began just earlier this month. But now sources are saying it's been a lot longer than that. "They'd been keeping it under wraps and hiding out together on their dates," said the source. "Then Jen realized it wasn't just a fling and decided to take it public." True? Maybe, maybe not, but I kind of believe it. Jen is notoriously private about her dating life since the Brangelina fiasco, and I did think that it was sort of weird that she was spotted making out with John right...

Hey Look It’s Mars!

Yay, Mars! I guess they think that polygonal area on the ground is evidence of the presence of ice at some point in time. And when there's ice, there's water. And when there's water, there's the possibility of life. Waaaaay exciting! I know what we're likely talking about is the possibility of miniscule little amoeba who existed millions of years ago, but I have this secret hope that they're gonna find some unimaginably adorable, small, furry, loving creatures who dance and sing and lo...

Holy Shit We’re on Mars

Congrats to the folks at JPL, NASA, Lockheed Martin and a host of universities, who successfully landed a probe near the Arctic Circle on Mars for the first time ever on Sunday evening. The probe will look for signs of life (past or present) on the Red Planet, and give us photos like we've never seen before. I get so excited about stuff like this! I know it's not really gossip, but I'm going to keep you guys posted anyway. />Congrats to the folks at JPL, NASA, Lockheed Martin and a host of universities, who successfully landed a probe near the Arctic Circle on Mars for the first time ever on Sunday evening. The probe will look for signs of life (past or present) on the Red Planet, and give us photos like we've never seen before. I get so excited about stuff like this! I know it's not really gossip, but I'm going to keep you guys posted anyway. ...