Jenna Bush Ties the Knot! May 10, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Congrats to 26-year-old Jenna Bush, who tied the knot with 30-year-old Henry Hager on Saturday, at her father's 1600-acre Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas. "This is a joyous occasion for our family, as we celebrate the happy life ahead of (Jenna) and her husband, Henry," the president said in his weekly radio broadcast Saturday morning. "It's also a special time for Laura, who this Mother's Day weekend will watch a young woman we raised together walk down the aisle." Jenna wore an...
The Balding Prince May 10, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Wills -- who is losing his hair like nobody's business -- was on-hand to cheer on the participants at the under-18 water polo championship in Walsall today. I kind of love that he's not sporting toupees, though. He's losing his hair at 26 and he's proud of it, dammit! I'd totally still marry him. Who wouldn't? [gallery]...
Jennie Garth to Join 90210 Cast May 10, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Sorry I've been MIA all day. I was exhausted for some reason. I slept until 6 pm today, you guys. I mean, I got up every now and then to feed and play with Leo, but for the most part I just spent the entire day asleep. It was really nice, actually. I think I needed it. Luckily, nothing very interesting happened in my absence. Jennie Garth is officially signed on to reprise her role as Kelly Taylor in the 90210 spinoff, playing a guidance counselor at her old high school. She'll be a re...
Lauren Hastings Is Still Talking Shit About Lindsay Lohan May 9, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Lindsay Lohan's rehab frenemy, model Lauren Hastings, is really excited that Lindsay's all caught up in the Minkgate scandal, because it gives her a chance to rehash her story of how Lindsay stole a bunch of her shit back in, like, 1992. Nah, it was almost exactly a year ago, but the LA courts dismissed the case, so Lauren's determined to at least get as much publicity out of this things as is humanly possible. So I did something I should have done a long time ago -- I went through all the photos ...
Go Go Gadget Long-Range Lens May 9, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Here are some photos snapped by U.S. missile defense satellites of Brad and Angie canoodling at their French villa. I mean, there was this huge secret bombing in Korea, and we, like, completely missed it, but whatever. It was totally worth it. [Image via Splash]...
Gray and Lovin’ It! May 9, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Gray hair? Glasses? Simple black dress? Jamie Lee Curtis is not fucking around, people. I love that she totally owns the aging process. That said, the other (younger) girls at this event -- the Step Up Women's Network Inspiration Awards Luncheon -- all looked adorable. We're seeing a lot of these cutesy, girlie, floral prints this season, and I just adore it. [gallery]...
Wanna See Shaquille O’Neal’s Ass Cheeks? May 9, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Sigh. Slow news day. Video of Shaq literally talking out of his ass is after the jump. Eh, you know, if this is the worst kind of antics this guy's gonna pull, fine with me. This is no biggie. Read More />...
Alanis Morissette Has Been Sad :( May 9, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized You'd be sad, too, if you and your fiance broke up and then like two seconds later he was engaged to a girl ten years younger than you who's releasing an album of Tom Waits covers. "I took a break over the past two and half years. I was tending to my personal life," says Alanis. During that time, she says she hit "rock bottom" due to "a personal unraveling of significant relationships in my life." A "personal unraveling of significant relationships"? What does that even mean, Alanis? Like, if you...
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s … Lindsay Lohan? May 9, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized After an evening of partying at Goa, Lindsay Lohan tried to climb into Samantha Ronson's car and speed away. But she got so frustrated with the swarm of paparazzi that she got out of the car and ran toward them, arms spread, trying to knock them over, I guess. This is the sort of thing that just doesn't happen when Lindsay Lohan's sober. And is that a cigarette sticking out from her top hat? Classy....
Nick Hogan Is Going to JAIL May 9, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Nick was sentenced to eight months in jail for critically injuring his pal John Graziano. He also got five years' probation, 500 hours community service, and lost his drivers license for three years. TMZ liveblogged the sentencing. Jesus. Nick was taken away to jail immediately. And apparently Brooke was dressed like a total hooker at the sentencing, but I haven't been able to find a pic just yet. ...
Sarah Larson Lands the Cover of Harper’s Bazaar May 9, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Celebitchy opens her article on this subject with the following line: I guess the answer to the question “who did Sarah Larson screw to get on the cover of Harpers Bazaar?†is obvious. I can't top that. ...
The Aftermath May 9, 2008Evil BeetUncategorized Text message this morning from "Josh": "Why is everyone calling me Josh?" Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I love you, sweetie. />...