Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Uh, Christina? This Has to Stop.

Once again, Christina Aguilera was spotted stumbling out of a Hollywood hot spot. The new mom needed two people to help her walk from the Hotel Bel Air to her car.

Like, Christina? This is fine once in awhile, but it’s becoming a pretty regular occurrence, sweetie, and that’s not good for a new mom. Have you seen Nicole Richie out drunk even once since she had her kid on like the exact same day you had yours? No, you haven’t. And I cannot fucking believe I am telling someone to take maturity cues from Nicole Richie, but, yeah. That’s what I’m doing. That’s what it’s come to, Christina. Cut this out, girl. It makes you look awful.

22 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I got a gut feeling Jordan “not-so-gently” persuading her into having this kid. I mean no one pointed guns, but ya know when you’re dating a guy you really like and he really wants something, you kind of slowly start giving in a bit? I sort of think that’s what happened.
    And I think she wanted a girl if she was gonna have a kid.

  • I totally went through PPD after my daughter was born…and guess what I was out doing all the time? Within months of her being born?
    Drinking and partying it up.
    Not something I’m proud of. At all.

  • i suspected ppd as well for awhile now too after seeing her out all the time, and never being with her son. i feel like christina wants a lot of media attention. she went and had the baby when everyone else was giving birth and then she went and did that magazine spread with her baby like so many other celebs were doing.

  • OH hey she wanted to have a baby, be a perfect celeb, lovely breasts.. pose big belly, but slim all over without stretch marks naked, have the best shape and beauty as an expecting rocker mother, then came the birth, taking baby home. NO can exchange or take it back the interfering merchandise.. and boo hoo it didn’t work out, she got no major attention and praise behind closed doors as a mommy? They expect her to be drooled on and do things with baby outside the nursery without the nanny, a group of minders to give him back to when the pixs are over? NO WAY! The husband should stay home and let her booze it up, fall in the ditch a few times and humilate herself then learn from her downfall.

  • maybe she’s depressed after the baby. christina – ask brooke which meds worked for her! don’t become a britney!

  • At first I thought people always had to hold her up because her heels are so hooker high. Now I AM starting to wonder what is up. What is she doing out anyway? She’s always seemed so together, I don’t get it. Intervention!!!

  • Last time you posted about her I tried to take up for her a little saying that I’m a mom of 2 & like to go out once a month or so with my friends too & usually drink too much too! Well now I’m changing just a bit. Her son is ONLY 4 months old & she does seem to be going out quit a bit. Ida know if it’s ppd like has already been said, but it does seem to be something! Sometimes being a mom is just hard. I know it sound ridiculas, but it is hard! Even if she does have a lotta people around her. Whatever it is, I hope her ‘people’ (friends, family, HUBBY! managment?) see all these blogs & all this stuff being said about her & what she’s doing & they can help her in whatever it is that she needs help with & that she can be the great mom her baby needs her to be!!

  • She’s not a drunk. She’s just adjusting (not so gracefully) to motherhood. Christina is a good soul. She’ll get it together.

  • Maybe the hypnosis finally wore off and she realized that she was married to Jordan Barfman <–dork!

  • No joke… she’s gotta somehow deal with having to wake up next to ratface SOMEHOW.

  • lmao @ anon.

    its weird that shes doing this now of all times. she was never too much of a partier.

  • Uh… am I the only one who is not shocked and actually expected this? I mean we are talking about Christina Aguilera here peeps. It’s not rocket science. You can take the whore out of the skank but you can’t take the skank out of the whore.

  • i think she has gone out more in the nights when her son was alive then she did in her like whole life…she really should stop though the tabloids are gunna go crazyyyyy on her! markk my words!

  • has a blind item a while ago about a young A-lister than had just given birth that wasn’t happy about it and wanted to just party…ok, those were NOT the exact words but it read something like that. at the time, everyone thought it was Nicole being that was such a party girl before the pregnancy, looks like we were wrong!

    I had PPD after I gave birth to my daughter and never did I go out and party! Christina is going out far too much, she is going to get a Brit type reputation. Stay home and take of your kid mom!