Today's Evil Beet Gossip

People Magazine Scores Exclusive Ashlee/Pete Wedding Pics

Word on the street is that People magazine is throwing down well over a MILLION bucks for the exclusive photos of Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz’s shotgun wedding.

People refuses to confirm the rumors, but I can only imagine this deal also comes (secretly) with the rights to announce her pregnancy.

Oh, and when Pete comes out of the closet? They get that story, too.

If the rumors are correct, Ashlee and Pete will be getting hitched this weekend.

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • why do these two allways make me laugh my ass off?
    Everytime I read something about or see pictures of them I just laugh.

  • I like them together. They seem like a good match, and always look happy.
    I feel sorry for her though, if she is getting married this weekend. Her sister will ruin it by being sad and pitiful over being dumped again. She will take her sisters spotlight by making it all about poor me.
    She had her chance at marraige, so she should let Ashley shine for one weekend. But I pretty much would bet my paycheck that she has her crying moments and attention seeking drama.

  • Darn! I have to get my car inspected and pick up my high blood pressure meds, so I will miss it.

  • Whatever – they’re both revolting, but they’re similarly revolting, so I can see how that could work.

  • Whenever I see a picture of them I just want to shampoo and blow-dry their hair. (Well, not me, personally; I’d get someone else to do it.) They both need some volume, bad!

  • Like anyone cares about these two losers. People needn’t think that they scored the coup of the century with those photos.

  • Didn’t know who he was unti today when I looked him up on itunes – complete shite – as well she’s got plenty dough.

  • Good luck to their future children.. with his short legs and jay leno chin and her bumpy witch nose that got fixed… eeek!

  • wow you people are just mean…
    can’t you be happy for them instead of being such jerks about it???
    Grow up and be happy for people who are happy. You are all just miserable people who find it fun and entertaining to make fun of people you don’t know!!! Grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • just leave them alone their happy and in love. as long as their happy its ok.
    u people realy need 2 open ur eyes to him.