Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Angelina Confirms Twinsies!

Angie reportedly let the news slip during an interview with the Today Show in Cannes.

Actually, it seems Jack Black accidentally slipped it (?) and then Angelina confirmed it.

I’m looking for footage of the interview but can’t find it just yet.

Good God, woman. So many children!

But two new children means two new ridiculous baby names to gawk at! Hooray!

25 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Am I clairvoyant or something, because I thought it was known months ago that Angelina was having twins. This isn’t a shock to me, so I don’t know why they would think that it “slipped” out. Everyone I know has been squawking about it for the last two months or so.

  • I can just see the whole giddy family dancing barefoot in circles on dew covered meadows at the dawn of a hot summer’s day in the Provence.

  • ive said it before and Ill say it again…she needs to hire a black person to do that little girls hair.

  • how much happiness is one person allowed?

    im gonna sue her for something, she is just too happy.

  • first off, she is so fukin boring wearing black all the fukin time and now she got the kids in it too? second off she barely can handle the 4 she has now why is she adding 2 more? her and kissass brad pitt are sumb as hell

  • yeah, i remember reading your article about when she first went to france, and her PA or something said something about “babies” and it was kinda like, welll that’s kinda obvious…
    cute though =]

  • Has anyone noticed how skinny her arm is? I know that there have been rumors that she may have an eating disorder. I’m beginning to wonder myself.

  • There’s an article about the whole thing on, the footage will be on access hollywood tonight and the today show tomorrow, I wonder if it will edited out?

  • ROFL. The pretty white child is carried, because she is so pretty, while the fugly black thing has to walk. Mercy me that is a hideous black lagoon creature. That nappy hair! THat dark black skin! HELP!!!

  • wow piven and jafron… for u guys sake, be happy that your hiding behind a computer screen. making those silly ass racist comments. that lil girl is beautiful, she just needs her hair combed thats all.

  • I agree with swillz, but everyone already knows that. What some people DON’T know (attention jafron and piven) are how ridiculously idiotic you sound hiding behind a computer to spout your despicable, racist filth. go stick your heads in a microwave. you both should be so lucky to be as beautiful as zahara (messy hair or no) at any point in your lifetime.

  • Wow, what’s really fugly, JaFron, are your comments about Zahara. I mean it’s fun to comment on celebrities, but leave the kids alone–if you can’t say anything non-racist, just STFU.

  • I can’t believe that in 2008 there are still such ugly, racist, stupid people around! Zahara beautiful! As are ALL children. Shut up and go to your KKK meeting idiots!

  • > who is that monkey whose hand she is holding???

    Please ban this person’s IP. We all joke around on this website but some things are never acceptable.

  • I like Donkeys.

    Piven and Jafron are just sad that they can’t afford gastric bypass surgery so they can leave out the door of their trailers. And their moms won’t stop yelling at them to get jobs and quit the Evil Beet in between kiddie porn sessions and

    Hint Piven and Jafron: take down those David Hasselhoff pics. And you guys wonder why no one wants to bang you. Your sisters don’t count assholes.

  • ^Cosign with Alex S. and the rest of the Beet readers who don’t need to put down a race of people to feel better about themselves.

  • FUNNY. I feel GREAT about myself, thanks. I like what I see in the mirror. I’ll post my pic if you all post yours, then we can vote on who looks good/fat/etc.