Today's Evil Beet Gossip

OMG Paris Hilton Is Exhausting

So, most nights I stay up until 3 am or so, waiting for the morning edition of Page Six to come out and all the late-night paparazzi pics to trickle in, so you guys can have them all when you arrive at your desks the next day.

However, tonight I am going to bed early. I am exhausted.

Wanna know why?

I spent tonight watching The Hottie and the Nottie DVD.

Yeah. It’s true.

I was doing a favor to the guys over at, none of whom were willing to bear the brunt of actually watching the flick. It would probably send their refined film-critic sensibilities into panic mode. So I watched the DVD and the special features tonight, and wrote a review (I’ll link you guys to it when it runs), but OMG can I just say that despite being a motherfucking executive producer and star of the film, Paris Hilton couldn’t find the time in her busy schedule of being a goddamn waste of space to do the commentary on the DVD? Instead there’s like a ten-minute clip of her putting female makeup on her male costar. She’s such a fucking self-obsessed flake. I hate her so much, and I’m exhausted by my sheer hate for her, and I’m going to sleep early tonight and I meet with my personal trainer tomorrow morning so updates will be slow until late morning/early afternoon.

OMG I hate her so much.

But I love you guys sooooo much.

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