Today's Evil Beet Gossip

She’s Coming Home!

Abercrombie & Fitch shorts? Walmart bag? Yup, someone’s been in Louisiana.

Here’s Britney boarding a private plane in Mississippi, heading back to LA after spending the weekend in Kentwood at her little sister’s baby shower.

This gives me even more hope that Britney will be showing up, in person and sober, to her custody hearing on Tuesday. Oh please, please be there, Britney!

I was walking Leo this afternoon with a girlfriend, and she was telling me about how her eight-year-old niece has a birthday next week, so she called her up to ask her what she wanted. And the eight-year-old was like, “A gift certificate.” And my friend was like, “Um … okay. To where?” And she was like “Abercrombie & Fitch.” Which is so amazing to me, because when I was eight years old I wanted, like, a pony that could sing and Rollerblades. The only brand I knew was Hypercolor. Kids are so much more mature these days. And by “mature” I of course mean “brainwashed by the media.” I swear by the time I have a kid it’s gonna come out of my vagina demanding Fendi diapers. And it’s gonna be, like, pissed if it’s not born at Cedars-Sinai, because that’s where all the cool babies are born.

[Image via Splash]

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