Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jamie-Lynn’s Baby Shower a Drama-Free Event

No upskirts. No alcohol. And, so far, no reports of insider photos being shopped out to the tabloids.

On Saturday, JLS had her baby shower at the family’s Serenity complex in Louisiana.

We’ve got conflicting reports of the attendees from different sources. E! says that there were both men and women, most teenaged and early twenties, while People magazine says it was an all-girl affair, with Casey Aldridge’s mom present as well as Lynne and Britney Spears. In typical Louisiana style, there was lots of fried chicken and chili. I’m on a stupid get-healthy diet right now, so fried chicken sounds amazing. I am so tired of cottage cheese and yogurt. And this is only, like, day six of what is supposed to be a life-long love affair with healthy eating. Sigh. I want a Whopper. And it’s so funny because, like, I’m eating all this healthy food, but I’m eating a TON of it, which kind of cancels out the healthy. Like I made these healthy little vegetarian burritos for myself last night, and then ate like four of them when I only meant to eat one a day for dinner for the rest of the week. I’m already out of burritos. They were supposed to last until Wednesday. Sad face.

Anyway, there were police guards posted at the gate of the party, checking IDs, but apparently they didn’t encounter any problems, and a good time was had by all. There were tons of paparazzi helicopters outside, so most of the guests stayed indoors.

Is it possible Jamie-Lynn is actually trying to have a low-key, normal pregnancy and — gasp! — a low-key, normal life? Can she pull it off?

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • What is this, Neverland? Why do the Spearses have a complex in Louisiana called “Serenity?”

    Oh, and kids, don’t try this at home. Teen pregnancy only works well after you’ve banked your first million.

  • ew, i know what you mean.
    eating healthy is overrated.
    i tried to go vegan and eat a plant based healthy diet and so i cut out all my meat and dairy but now really all i eat is chips and the occasional vegetable. haha

  • She has a world of pain in front of her. JLS is going to have a hard time as a teenage mum.

    What’s worse, being scrutinised in the public eye whilst rich, or being one of the thougsands of girls in the same situation with no dinero?

    Healthy eating… waaaay over-rated. It’s all about balance. Burn as much or more as you consume and to hell with the veggie police.


  • Britney actually bought the property and had the house built way back in the day… I think. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure she bought it herself. Anyways, does Jamie have a raging overbite or what? I’m so glad I learned from my parents and didn’t squeeze out a brood yet. I’m only twenty-three, but the only things I’m mommy to are cats, rats, and a turtle. And it will stay that way until I’m damn good and ready. Too bad there isn’t that interlock thingy for teenagers who decide to bump uglies unprotected. I can’t even imagine having sex at like fourteen or fifteen… shit.

  • What is with all these “unplanned” pregancies lately? All the sexually-active girls I knew in the outer boroughs of NYC were on birth control at 15, and everyone else used condoms if they were having sex. My friends from elsewhere think this is weird, but very, very few people got pregnant where I grew up. Extra savvy hos in Staten Island…

    And as for the healthy eating- put some marinated tofu in those burritos. If you don’t eat protein, you’ll feel hungry alllll the time no matter what else you eat.

  • OMG, I almost spit my pink-lemonade and vodka out (I’m watching my calories this week so pink-lemonade) when I first scrolled down to view this photo it looked like Jamie was a midget! I saw the legs of the women on the sidewalk and for a split second they looked like they were Jamie’s!

  • I really can’t wait to hear what they call the baby; I hope it’s something ridiculous.

  • OMG, she looks so hot. It seems that girl is dating online now. I saw her profile on dating site “W e a l t h y lo v I n g . c o m” last week. It is said she is dating young billionaire on that site.