Today's Evil Beet Gossip

If You Absolutely Must Listen to Paris Hilton’s Interview on the Ryan Seacrest Show This Morning …

... it's here. I'll be honest; I only got about a minute and a half in. But that was as long as it took for Ryan to be like "I see you as eternally twenty-two" and Paris to respond "Me, too." Apparently she talks about Benji later in the interview, claiming that she just likes to stay in at night with him, and cook "lasagna and really good sandwiches and things like that." Ah, yes. I like to cook sandwiches too, Paris. ...

Jennifer Aniston’s Latest Romance Over Before You Even Heard About It

Um, so I guess Jennifer Aniston had been dating a key grip she met while filming Traveling in Canada. But they're broken up now. What's a key grip, you ask? The simple answer is: A key grip is not Brad Pitt. Anyway, E! got a hold of the poor guy, Brian Bouma, at his home in Vancouver, where he confirmed that, yes, he had been dating Jennifer Aniston, and "We are not seeing each other anymore." Inside sources say Brian had been quietly flying down to Miami to visit Jen on the set of her new film, Marley & Me. When E! asked Brian to confi...

Nicole Kidman’s Rep Remembers That Nicole Kidman Has a Son

Early this morning, Nicole Kidman's rep received a phone call from her boss. Boss: Um, so, have you seen that story about how Tom Cruise's adopted son is going to have a role in that Will Smith movie? Nicole Kidman's Rep: Yeah, I came across it yesterday. Why? Boss: Well, I know it was a long time ago, but wasn't Nicole, like, tangentially involved in that adoption proess? Isn't she like, technically, his mom? NK's Rep: Fuck. So then Nicole Kidman's rep quickly issued a state...

Welcome Back to Britain, Snoop!

A judge in Britain has overturned a ban on Snoop Dogg entering the country, after surveillance footage proved his so-called brawl at Heathrow wasn't as nasty as first reported. While his lyrics suggest life in the Dogg Pound is a no-holds-barred sort of experience, Snoop was a model of cooperation with the Metropolitan Police. A DVD film of the incident revealed that at one point Snoop, who was eventually given a caution, had been innocently entertaining young children. He was twice s...

Ashlee Simpson Still Not Saying If She’s Preggers

Ashlee went on Ellen's show (set to air today, Thursday) and was asked, flat-out, whether or not she was pregnant. "Well, that has been going on for quite a while. That is something that I choose personally not to discuss," she said. "Do I look like I had 10 cheeseburgers or something? Because I don't think I do." In fairness to Ashlee, she's probably still in her first trimester, judging by the fact that she's totally not showing yet. And I can appreciate her not wanting to break the new...

OMG, You Guys Are Amazing!!!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love you guys? I love you guys A LOT. I got this email from a reader today:
So I know you just changed your MySpace site so everyone can be your friend and I, of course, added you because I LOVE you. I also have a Facebook account. I have an obsession with random groups on there and I discovered there was only one pathetic group for Evil Beet. So I created my own and hopefully all the Facebookers out there will follow and join me in my love for Evil Beet.
I didn't even know there was any Evil Beet Facebook group out there, let alone now TWO!!! Seriously you guys are the absolute coolest. I know I'm just some random chick in cyberspace to you, but, when people do shit like this, it really makes my whole day. It means the world to me. After the shit I've been through these past few months, it's just extra special to have little bright spots like this come into my life. So thank you. To join the "I ::heart:: Evil Beet" Facebook group, click here. To join the "Who Is the Evil Beet Blogger" Facebook group, click here. And, um, to actually find out who the Evil Beet blogger is, click here and send along a friend request. />Have I mentioned lately how much I love you guys? I love you guys A LOT. I got this email from a reader today: So I know you just changed your MySpace site so everyone can be your friend and I, of course, added you because I LOVE you. I also have a Facebook account. I have an obsession with random groups on there and I discovered there was only one pathetic group for Evil Beet. So I created my own and hopefully all the Facebookers out there will follow and join me in my love for Evil Be...

Um, Is There Something Wrong with Katie Price’s Daughter?

Here's Katie Price (aka Jordan) with her daughter, Princess Tiáamii, and her hubby Peter Andre (holding the baby, although not shown in this pic), leaving a medical building in Beverly Hills. They were supposedly there for a consultation on the breast reduction Jordan's planning to get done. (It's her second.) But, like, is there something wrong with her kid? Look at the face. Either she's just getting over the chicken pox (in which case, why is she out in public?) or she has the worst ...

Your Daily Britney

Homegirl is never going to ditch that sweater. Here's Britney hitting up the Bally's in Culver City, ostensibly to work out. Why she is working out at the Bally's in Culver City is a total mystery to me. Probably because they paid her for the photo op. I know that gym; my ex used to work out there. Before he became a total pothead. But that's a whole other rant that has no place on this blog. Anyway, it's a huge gym that offers very little in the way of privacy. And it's far away from...

I Guess We’re All Supposed to Trip a Lot This Season

Earlier this week, we saw Eva Mendes sporting this super-long dress at an NYC event. I guess it's the start of a new trend, because everyone was wearing these I-dare-you-not-to-trip dresses at the Design Cares "A Night of A Thousand Lights" benefit for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. At this single event, we saw Diane Kruger, Iman, Molly Sims, Olivia Palermo and Lydia Hearst all wearing these ultra-long numbers. God. This is the kind of trend that promises to result in lots of funny clips of people falling on their as...