Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Someone Is Going to Have to Explain This To Me

With all the time that Lindsay Lohan spends at hair salons, how in God's name does she still have roots? Do massive amounts of cocaine somehow impact the hair follicle's ability to absorb dye? I'm so confused. Here's Lindsay at some party for LG Electronics. After the jump, more photos from this event, including Lauren Conrad, Bai Ling, Christine Lakin (and Christine Lakin's tan lines), Emmy Rossum, Tila Tequila and Heidi Montag. Read More...

Fun with YouTube: Kate Nash, “Dickhead”

This is the new song I'm obsessing on. There doesn't seem to be a music video for it, so above I just have someone's YouTube video of the album version. After the jump, Kate does the song live on the piano and puts a new twist on it. Read More /> This is the new song I'm obsessing on. There doesn't seem to be a music video for it, so above I just have someone's YouTube video of the album version. After the jump, Kate does the song live on the piano and puts a new twist on it. Read More...

That’s So Original, Samantha

Samantha Ronson gives the paps a piece of her mind as she and Lindsay get pedicures in Los Angeles. It's weird to me that Samantha Ronson gets pedicures. Like, she otherwise seems to care so very little about what she looks like on any given day. It's like when you see some old, ugly chick in the bathroom at work and she's wearing ripped pantyhose and a floral cotton dress that you figure she hand-stitched herself somewhere around 1989 and it's been washed about 10,000 times since then and her h...

I Really Need a Boyfriend

Sigh. Leo now has a Dogbook page on Facebook. And since I didn't bring my digital camera to Seattle, I bought a new one yesterday, so I can thoroughly document each day of Leo's existence and post it on Dogbook for everyone to see. I plan to take a lot of video as well. Seriously? You guys know no one you can set me up with? />...

Christine Baranski, Because I Love Her

Here's Christine doing some promotional work for the movie version of Mamma Mia!, where she plays Tanya. I looooove Christine Baranski. I fell in love with her when she was on Cybill, as Maryann. You know, Maryann really was the original Will & Grace Karen. Christine Baranski invented the wealthy, alcoholic, functionally insane best friend. And I love her for that. Come to think of it, Cybill was also where I developed my love for Alicia Witt, as Zoey. So how come I never fell in love with Cybill ...

Britney Custody Hearing Set for May 6

Well, the child custody evaluation report commissioned by an LA family court regarding Britney's fitness as a mother has been completed, although no one's willing to talk about what's in it. We'll all find out soon enough, though. The next custody hearing will be May 6. Will the new and improved Britney Spears show up to court? Man, I sure hope so. I bet she will this time, you guys. I think she's pulling it together, and she's ready to get those kiddos back. You go get 'em, Britste...

Gwyneth’s Gams

Gwyneth Paltrow worked hard for those legs, dammit, and she's gonna make damn sure everybody notices them. Hell, I'd do the same thing. I went to the gym for the first time in FOREVER today. Yeah, that's right, I am getting my fucking life together. I even have a trainer! She's a really cool chick. I love her because when she asked me if I smoked and I said yes she didn't look at me like I'd just admitted to burning newborn babies in my backyard bonfire pit during my menstrual cycle. S...

Scott Weiland’s Going to Jail

Unfortunately for Scott Weiland, he forgot to be a 5'0," 80-pound blond mother-to-be while driving under the influence. For his second DUI in recent years, Scott was handed down a sentence of eight days in jail. Nicole Richie, you'll recall, served 82 minutes for a similar offense. So we'll wait and see how much time Scott actually spends in the slammer, but I'm betting it's gonna be more than 82 minutes. Life just ain't fair, kids. ...