Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Love My New Office

Do you know what they have at the RealNetworks offices? Like twenty feet from my desk? Two vending machines, but everything in them is FREE! That's right, you just press the button, and a soda comes out, and it doesn't ask you for money first! It's seriously the most delightful thing ever. It's like I own a genie. I just go and get another soda every half hour or so, even if I'm not thirsty, just to hear the intoxicating clack-clack-clack of a totally free soda falling out of a vending machine. Amazing. At my old job, they had free tampons in the women's restrooms. That was pretty awesome, too. I used to tell my boss they should put that in the recruiting brochures. I thought it was the best perk ever, but that was before I discovered the free vending machines here. Sometimes I'd just grab a whole bunch of tampons and take them home with me. For some free-tampon fun. Nah, I'm kidding. Just for my period. Anyway. So today is the birthday of Anna, one of our two amazing designers here at Evil Beet (she's also my former roommate, one of EB's very first readers, and one of the coolest chicks I know). Yes, the brilliant artist behind the bikini-beet girl is turning 26 today. So you guys should all email her at and wish her a happy birthday and tell her what a talented young woman she is. />Do you know what they have at the RealNetworks offices? Like twenty feet from my desk? Two vending machines, but everything in them is FREE! That's right, you just press the button, and a soda comes out, and it doesn't ask you for money first! It's seriously the most delightful thing ever. It's like I own a genie. I just go and get another soda every half hour or so, even if I'm not thirsty, just to hear the intoxicating clack-clack-clack of a totally free soda falling out of a vending machine....

Homophobia Is Bad, Mmkay?

Here's Lance Bass's new PSA, in support of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, which is trying to urge students to stop the bullying, harassment and discrimination occurring in schools, with a day of silence ( on April 25. This year’s event will be held in memory of Lawrence King, a California 8th-grader who was shot and killed February 12 by a classmate because of his sexual orientation and gender expression. God, how much do you have to hate yourself in order to kill someone just because they're gay? /> Here's Lance Bass's new PSA, in support of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, which is trying to urge students to stop the bullying, harassment and discrimination occurring in schools, with a day of silence ( on April 25. This year’s event will be held in memory of Lawrence King, a California 8th-grader who was shot and killed February 12 by a classmate because of his sexual orientation and gender expression. God, how much do you have to hate yourself i...

Blind Items!

1) Which actress on a canceled show was "doing her body weight" in cocaine at a beachy magazine shoot over the weekend? 2) Which recently rehabbed rocker got clean through a week-long induced coma? He couldn't bear to sweat out the booze on his own. [source, source] />...

Nicole Kidman Wants Her Kids Out of Scientology

nicole_lunch2.jpg Um, I'm not sure if I'm buying this, because seriously when is the last time you saw a picture of Nicole Kidman with her adopted children? Or read anything about them spending any time together? Long ago, I got the feeling she didn't care about them one bit. But supposedly Nicole Kidman wants her kids out of the Church of Scientology. According to Page Six: Nicole Kidman , a Catholic, has limited contact with her adopted kids by Tom Cruise, Isabella and Connor, who are deeply entrenc...


Heidi Montag Heidiwood Short Black Shorts, Pictures, Photos It was bad. So bad. To Montag's credit, she trumpets Heidiwood's prices of $10 to $60 for any given item — compared to the triple-digit tags on L.C.’s line, that's a sure sign that she at least she understands her demographic. And yet everything we saw still gave us sticker shock. Paper-thin tanks for $27? Flimsy, panty-line-molesting dresses at nearly 40 bucks? Sure, that's a steal compared to Marc Jacobs, but not far enough removed from what you'd pay at the Gap for something that's...

Phil Stacey!!!

In case you haven't seen it, here's the video for American Idol almost-was Phil Stacey's first single, "If You Didn't Love Me." I don't know why, but I tend to just never like male country singers. I actually really like a lot of female country singers, but men singing country is just unendingly boring to me. So I'm not big on this. What do you guys think? Phil's self-titled debut album is expected to hit stores April 29. /> In case you haven't seen it, here's the video for American Idol almost-was Phil Stacey's first single, "If You Didn't Love Me." I don't know why, but I tend to just never like male country singers. I actually really like a lot of female country singers, but men singing country is just unendingly boring to me. So I'm not big on this. What do you guys think? Phil's self-titled debut album is expected to hit stores April 29. ...

That Chick At Yale Outsmarted Perez Hilton

Aliza Shvartz, Pictures, Photos I know, I know. Weird, right? Here at Evil Beet, we decided not to cover the story of Aliza Shvartz (Best. Name. Ever.), the Yale undergrad who claimed she impregnated herself and aborted the fetuses regularly as some form of bizarre art project. We didn't cover it because I figured the story went one of two ways: 1) It was all some retarded prank (an "herbal" abortion? Um, right ...) or 2) This girl was getting a ton of press coverage for something I feel is morally reprehensible. You know, I'm all about a woman's right to...