Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily Paris

Paris Hilton and Benji Madden in London, Pictures, Photos

She’s in London this time.

Here she is leaving her hotel with Benji Madden.

I cannot believe they are continuing this charade. How is Paris not bored of this yet?

And her extensions are out again.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • AND, she has roots for once. AND, he is dressing her down. She looks crappy. She looked much better before this fugly dude.

  • Yeah, I’m wondering the same thing, why the hell is this joke still going on? Does Benji Madden bring her this much publicity? C’mon, she can do better than that. Or maybe she wants to give Harlow a cousin.

  • She’s been pretty much off the radar since that faceplant she took…maybe this dude is good for her. I’m still betting she wants to give birth to Nicole’s child’s cousin.

  • Parasite Hilton and her Penis Fly Trap strikes again.

    Is That A Ring ON Her Left Hand?

    God Save Us All.

  • If I were a rock star, the only way Paris Hilton would be going on tour with me would be as a member of Craft Services.

    Is it bad of me that I’m waiting for Benji Madden to have a fateful Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen ending with Paris Hilton?

  • She is trying too hard to look like a rocker just because she is dating him. She looks dumb