Today's Evil Beet Gossip


New York Governor Elliot Spitzer and Wife Slida Wall, Pictures, Photos

“Good afternoon.

“For the past nine years, eight years as attorney general, and one as governor, I have tried to uphold a vision of progressive politics that would rebuild New York and create opportunity for all. We sought to bring real change to New York and that will continue.

“Today I want to briefly address a private matter. I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family and violates my, or any, sense of right and wrong. I apologize first and most importantly to my family. I apologize to the public, whom I promised better.

“I do not believe that politics in the long run is about individuals. It is about ideas, the public good, and doing what is best for the state of New York. But I have disappointed and failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself. I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family.

“I will not be taking questions. Thank you very much. I will report back to you in short order. Thank you very much.”

New York governor Elliot Spitzer, who today admitted to his involvement in a high-priced prostitution ring.

Legalize it, fuckers!

19 CommentsLeave a comment

  • So… Wives after some years don’t like to like to get cum all over themselves, but a hooker will lick you all over and under and then she won’t complain when you shoot your load all in her face and hair….

  • He must be a Liberal because CNN the conservative propaganda machine was roasting him over an open fire.

  • I watched his press conference. My heart broke for his wife. She looked rough, like she’d been up nights crying and drinking and hurling stuff at walls, all the while knowing she gets to go through all this in the public eye.

    My husband and I like watching local American news. It’s always so much more sensational.

  • It seems that ,”little guy”, keeps getting some of these politicians in trouble! Somehow or other, reason doesn’t seem to enter into the equation, is ten minutes of excitement worth a loss of career, reputation, utter embarassment, family upheaval . and possibly dismal future? Our esteemed Governor is about to find the answer. The guilty party with the real answers of course is the “little guy”, but he wisely isn’t talking!

  • What is this guy’s problem? His wife is hot! It’s not like she let herself go after bearing his 3 kids…

  • “CNN the conservative propaganda machine”

    Jesus H. Christ, that’s fucking hilarious. How moonbatty does a person have to be to think CNN is right wing?

    P.S.: Spitzer’s a hypocritical fuckbag and deserves to be jailed for this. He went after prostitutes like they were the scourge of the earth. Turns out he;s paying to get his nob buffed the whole time.

    Fucking hang him for all I care.

  • malren you must be an American. Only Yanks are brainwashed and ignorant enough to believe that CNN is anything but a conservative mouth piece.

    You really need to get your news from something else other than Fox or CNN.

  • CNN is NOT conservative! You have it confused with Faux News,obviously. CNN is actually pretty neutral if anything.

  • The wives should be spared when these guys make this sort of statement
    I don’t understand this kind of approach, so common in the States.
    Just leave these women in peace and dignity.

  • Who gives a fuck about what CNN is? The fact of the matter is that this asshole paid for pussy, all the while governing his land on top of his hypocritical throne. How much you wanna bet he used tax payers’ money. Smell slush fund, anyone?

  • >CNN is actually pretty neutral if anything.

    lol, you Americans are so cute with your blissful ignorance. How do you breathe with your heads firmly planted in the ground?

    Watch news from other countries and then compare how CNN covers the exact same story. Pay attention to what they usually don’t say in the stories as much as to what they do say.

  • Donkey Punch- Take a look around you. Soon, England will be a Muslim country and you and all your ignorant Liberal brethren will be subjugated to Allah. No more schools for girls, no topless beaches (you’ll get beheaded), no free abortions, no jobs for you and its pray, pray, pray, 5 hours a day motherfucker. AndI, in all my blissful ignorance, will be laughing my foolish head off. Oh, by the way, whens the last time you guys won a war?

  • Yup, I was right. He is a Democrat and is the reason CNN has turned it into a full time job to cook him over a fire.

    dadsurfah, why doesn’t the USA pick a war with someone who actually can defend itself? I love how you haven’t done anything about Pakistan when it is painfully obvious to everyone on the planet that this country is where Bin Laden is hiding and where terrorists use as a base to flow into Afghanistan.

    Your country is a danger to world peace. Bush is a war criminal and anyone who supports him is a blood thirsty warmonger filled with hatred for anyone who isn’t white or isn’t Christian. Your white hood is showing and it is time for you to get back to burning more crosses.

  • Gee,none of my business but maybe we should sit back and enjoy what and while we can, irrespective of our countries own problems and issues

    I never forget most of humans are actually asian, and caucasians seem to disregard that or underestimate it

    As long as there’s oil in the planet and the price is always up up and away,we are under its spell, and that’s a matter of many conveniences that go beyond the mere consideration of good and evil

    I am thankful for what I have here in Europe and I know that many of the world inhabitants are, at this very moment, in dire straits

  • Hey DP!

    You’re an idiot. Guess which party supported the Klan. One of their own Senators (Robert Byrd) was even a member. Let me give you a hint, it wasn’t the GOP.

    To the Eurotrash here, CNN is “neutral” compared to the hard-left trash that comes out of the BBC. Here in America, where we haven’t completely given up our testicles yet, they are left wing. Have you ever seen, say, Jack Cafferty or Christiane Amanpour for example?

    And now on to world peace. I don’t see any attacks having occurred in the US since 9/11. Keep those attacks where they belong. How about Pakistan? So if we decided to go in there and root Osama out (we haven’t because we’re being nice and not violating their “soverignty”) you would complain that we’re picking fights. Did you also know that Osama declared war on the USA in 1998? How about that the US suffered from major terrorist attacks every year from 1993-2001? You wouldn’t, you pansy BBC watcher. All of the mainstream media is a joke.

    Now to Evil Beet. Your site is funny. But I don’t get the cognitive dissonance between legalizing whores and making Joe Francis and his brand of porn illegal. The only difference is that with one, you get pictures afterward. The damage both of these businesses do to women is incalculable. I thought women wanted to be known and respected for more than their vaginas, and also as more than sex objects? Hello! Keep them illegal!

  • One other thing, DP – how can you tell if a US politician involved in the scandal isn’t a Republican? They don’t mention party affiliation. Do some checking and get your head out of wherever it is.

  • Look at the massive list of sex scandals involving Republicans. Did you hear about them on CNN day after day after day?

    Only a moronic Republican would actually believe CNN is anything but controlled by the GOP. Get your head out of the ground you fool and learn something about the rest of the world and about your own damned country.

    You are so retarded that you think your murdering innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan is working. You claim there have not been any terrorist attacks in the USA since. The twin towers were first attacked in 93 and then re-attacked in 2001. That is 8 years later. Well my stupid friend it hasn’t been 8 years since 9/11 and one thing you should have learned is that they are very determined.

    You hate-filled racist republicans are destroying what is left of your country and after the dust settles you will be so in debt you will be completely foreign owned.

    Hope you can speak Mandarin.