Ok, not really. But Gene will be suing the hell out of some folks over this whole
sex tape thing.
His website states:
You may have heard of seen garbage that has sprung up from my past. Rest assured the proper legal team is looking at all the ramifications and options.
Huh. A few things I'd love to point out:
1) That sure sounds like a confirmation to me.
2) Proper legal team? How many are there?
3) As far as options... just go ahead and sue. Why not? You've got to have a better legal team than most and you can just allege they made you feel bad.
Here's the screenshot, doing a thumbnail because it's big.
Ok, not really. But Gene will be suing the hell out of some folks over this whole sex tape thing.
His website states:
You may have heard of seen garbage that has sprung up from my past. Rest assured the proper legal team is looking at all the ramifications and options.
Huh. A few things I'd love to point out:
1) That sure sounds like a confirmation to me.
2) Proper legal team? How many are there?
3) As far as options... just go ahead and sue. Why not? You've got to have a better le...