So we’re not really covering all that shit about Britney possibly being pregnant around here, because it makes my head hurt to think about it, and all I can really do is just pray that it’s not true, especially because she’s still smoking up a storm.
Britney used a damn kitchen lighter to spark up her Parliament in her car last night.
Please, please don’t let her be pregnant. Although, if Britney has another kid right now, a little in-utero smoke exposure is probably going to be the least of that kid’s issues.
I had not heard the preggers rumor, and I thought I was up on ALL THINGS BRIT BRIT. Wouldnt put it passed her to keep herself ahead of Jamie’s Scandal!!!!!
How classy is that lighter?
She is such a dork—ever notice how when she smokes she doesnt inhale—she just wants to be cool!!!
Is that a meth torch?
LMFAO @ JK!!!! Dude, you gotta warn me when you’re gonna be saying somthing funny man, again with caffenated liquids hitting the monitor!!
dude how classy does that lighter look???
A freakin Aim & Flame in the car…to light up her P-Funk…it just gets worse & worse! :) Love It!!!!!!!!!!!!
a classy lighter OR a meth torch
hmm haha