Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Leggings Are Back!



That was weird for a minute.

But Leggings Lohan is back in full force, engaging in her regular Friday night routine of hitting up a hair salon and then going shopping.

I hit up the Roxy last night with some friends to see a few bands, and totally fell in love with this band called Kingsley. The keyboardist was my fave — he’s Rush Limbaugh’s nephew, which drops him a few points in my book, but still, he was rocking out like crazy. Their sound was awesome. Ya’ll should check ’em out.

Then we went next door to the Rainbow Room, where everyone got shitfaced and had an in-depth conversation about where the word “barf” comes from. Luke’s theory: Some drunk dude got home from the bar, slurred out, “I just got home from the barrrrrf” and then puked everywhere. Christy’s theory: It comes from “barfly.” The dictionary’s theory? “Probably onomatopoeic.”

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • The sound you make then throwing up kind of sounds like BARF, maybe it’s one of thse type things…like comic books…ZING, POW, KURPLOP, BARF! lol ….tsk, and I’m not even drunk. lmao @ the “I just came home from the baaarrrrf”

  • haha omg, I feel stupid, I just read where you said probably onomatopoeic—didnt catch the word until now. And I went into all of that *sigh*

  • She has my dream job, shopping! But my thing is why does she always wear the same thing? Leggings? I don’t get it.

  • She’s been sporting those Purple Lanvin Orange leather lined boots for a minute now yet they went on sale in December of ’06, I got mine from Collette in Paris.

    Come on Lins, you should know better…