Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily Britney

Britney Spears Leaving Starbucks, Possibly with Weed in Her Car

Is there Marijuana in Britney Spears’ Car?

Leaving a Starbucks in WeHo on Wednesday night.

I feel like she’s been wearing that sweatshirt for weeks now.

Also, there’s a little baggie in the front panel of her car. I can’t tell what’s in it, but I can guess. I’ve blown up several shots of it — all from pics in this set — so you guys can be your own judges.

britney_baggie2.jpg britney_baggie3.jpg

Image via WENN

18 CommentsLeave a comment

  • AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Hi Brit Brit I was wondering where you were. Whatcha got there Brit a lil pot, some coke, meth… huh huh.

    Please honey take a shower and change your clothes. Love Ya!

  • I bet she seriously doesn’t shower for days, pulls clothes off the floor, gives ’em a sniff before she throws them on and she outtie. Ewwwwww.

  • i mean seriously, its like waiting and watching someone to hit rock bottom and they never do. painful. and smelly.

  • On a serious note, she looks so depressed and miserable that I wonder if she will commit suicide at some point? Im not wishing it, I was just wondering like how much more she can put herself through befroe it swallows her?????

  • The thing is that it’s so difficult to hit rock bottom with unlimited funds! With the chedder she’s slinging, she has a better chance of overdosing. Good luck with that, Brit Brit.

  • i am thinking “ferrari’s and “green clovers” maybe “dolces”. trust me. i mean an educated guess.

  • I’d have to guess pot, sure looks like pot. It’s too dark to be coke and I have no idea what meth looks like………yep I say pot. Hey, it’s better than her being coked out atleast right? *Sigh* I hope that poor girl gets the help she needs. Why doesn’t she move to a chill city already, its not like she’s working LOL

  • She’s dumb..but she’s not that dumb. I don’t think the bitch would just ride around with weed as much as she knows people are dying o photograph her. Or mabey she is..I don’t know. It doesn’t look like pot to me. Plus I think uppers are more her thing anyway…………./ ;-)

  • what happened to u britney. this pic disgusts me. prolly some coke or something in the baggie

  • britty she is a hore /slot/bitch/mother fucker/a dume ass mother she is a bitch she is a mother fucker she does not duserv to live a good life she ia a bitch all the time she is geting fucd up all the time mgosh this bitch is a hore hore hore hore

  • I heart britney.. It’s ok if she’s a pothead !! It’s all about the green.. Everyone’s just a hater !!
    Think about it… if all these people truely hated Britney, why would they come to this site especially just to hate on her ?? weird…