Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Looks Like Britney’s #1

britney_vma.jpg Congratulations to Britney Spears, whose unique approach to marketing her album will land her the #1 spot on this week's charts, selling between 325,000 and 350,000 albums this week. Which is a nice consolation prize after she's basically lost custody of her children. These sales still pale in comparison to her earlier albums, but it was enough to inch out Carrie Underwood for the top position this week. It's possible she'll hold the #1 spot for the coming week, too, but then she'll probably ...

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OH MY GOD! CHRISTINA AGUILERA IS PREGNANT!! Who'd've guessed? [Derek Hail]

Barbara Walters hates Heather Mills, just like everyone else. [Mollygood]

Julia Roberts rocks the cover of Vanity Fair. [INO]

Hayden Panettiere has gas. [Drunken Stepfather]

Robert Downey Jr is blonde. Which I guess is still better than drunk. But it's close. [popbytes]

Check out this review of Jerry Seinfeld's Bee Movie. [Pajiba]

Angelina doesn't want to be in close proximity to Jennifer Aniston, even on the pages of a magazine. [DListed]

In case you care about the World Music Awards, here's some photos. We didn't cover them on here because dfaiuu9408u79dfva98y6as dg8097fsd793vnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndfuadf. Shit. I fell asleep at my keyboard again. [Celebslam]

Check out Barack Obama on Saturday Night Live. [Bossip]

/>OH MY GOD! CHRISTINA AGUILERA IS PREGNANT!! Who'd've guessed? [Derek Hail] Barbara Walters hates Heather Mills, just like everyone else. [Mollygood] Julia Roberts rocks the cover of Vanity Fair. [INO] Hayden Panettiere has gas. [Drunken Stepfather] Robert Downey Jr is blonde. Which I guess is still better than drunk. But it's close. [popbytes] Check out this review of Jerry Seinfeld's Bee Movie. [Pajiba] Angelina doesn't want to be in close proximity to Jennifer Aniston, even on the pages of a magazine. [DListe...

Comparing Notes on Brody Jenner’s Penis: Nicole Richie and Lauren Conrad Are Friends Now

nicole_lauren.jpg There should really be some manner of Brody Jenner Slept with Me to Be Famous club. Instead of giving out free toasters, they could give out reality TV shows. Or a 4-week stay at Promises. Either works. Lauren Conrad and Nicole Richie -- who have both been linked to Brody, along with the rest of Hollywood -- are apparently all buddy-buddy now, lunching together at Joan's last week, and getting sushi together on Sunday night. Get ready to see Nicole's baby on The Hills, kids. ...

Blind Item!

WHICH struggling starlet is as obnoxious and stuck-up in real life as she is in her terrible teen flicks? She was rude and cruel to the staff and to a young fan during a free meal she chowed down at a high-end Midtown restaurant.
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