Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Baby, Blah

hasselwhore.jpg That bitch on The View, baby boy, blah blah blah blah, born. Baby is healthy. Sadly, so is Elizabeth. She's fucking calling into the show on Monday to announce the baby's name. Seriously? The kid is less than a day old and you're already exploiting him? Elizabeth, when you die, I hope this kid sells fucking tickets for people to come and deface your corpse and sits nearby, watching, counting his money and whispering "So how does this make you feel, Mom?" And you know wha...

Everyone’s Striking!

Broadway Stagehands on Strike The Broadway stagehands went on strike on Saturday, shutting down more than two dozen plays and musicals. The stagehands and Broadway producers have been in negotiations for more than three months. Much of their disagreements involve work rules and staffing requirements, particularly rules governing the expensive process of loading in and setting up a show. The producers want more flexibility in hiring; the stagehands don't want to give up what they say are hard-won benefits without someth...

I Was About to Say Sharon Stone Actually Looked Good at an Event

Sharon Stone at Make a Wish Ball, Pictures, Photos I know, I know. I was shocked, too. I took a quick glance at this picture, and I thought it was a long, sleek, tight-fitting dress, and I was like, "Wow, Sharon! Very classic! Very chic! I take it all back -- you have an ounce of fashion sense in that cropped little head." And then I realized it was a Spandex pantsuit. She looks like she's about to run the New York marathon in heels. Jesus, Sharon. Why are you so weird? ...

Amy Winehouse is Doing Really Well

amy_blake.jpg There's really no better way to do this than to copy/paste an excerpt from the interview Blender magazine did with her. She sighs and plops down on the couch. She lights a cigarette and turns a drowsy gaze toward Blender; she’s ready to talk. We start by asking if she’ll be recording the follow-up to Back to Black anytime soon. “Yeah, we’ve got a couple of more bits … I’m writing … ” she mumbles. “On the whole … ” She ...

NBC Lays off Production Crew on The Office

This is their way of punishing Steve Carrell for refusing to cross the picket lines. NBC has laid off all the production folks on their hit show The Office -- grips, costume folks, make-up artists, drivers, caterers, etc. These are people who make less than the writers and will not receive residuals while reruns air. This is why Ellen is insisting on crossing the picket lines, people. Because there are lots of other jobs on the line. It's not just the writers. Says a key grip on the show: "During the 1988 WGA strike many of my friends lost their homes, cars and even spouses. Many actors are publicly backing the writers, some have even said that they would find a way to help pay bills for the striking writers. When the networks run out of new shows and they air repeats the writers will be paid residuals. The lowest paid writer in television makes roughly twice the salary than the below the line crewmember makes. Everyone should be paid their fair share, but does it have to be at the expense of the other 90% of the crewmembers. Nobody ever recoups from a strike, lost wages are just that, lost." Here's a good video explaining why the writers are striking. [Via PopCandy] />This is their way of punishing Steve Carrell for refusing to cross the picket lines. NBC has laid off all the production folks on their hit show The Office -- grips, costume folks, make-up artists, drivers, caterers, etc. These are people who make less than the writers and will not receive residuals while reruns air. This is why Ellen is insisting on crossing the picket lines, people. Because there are lots of other jobs on the line. It's not just the writers. Says a key grip on the show: ...

Is Everyone Psyched for Season 4 of ProjRun???

I know I am! Check out this fun widget Bravo released to promote it. ...
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