Today's Evil Beet Gossip

GASP! She’s NOT THAT INNOCENT! Britney’s Secret Sex Past!



Can you guys believe it?

Britney Spears may have lied when she said, at age 16, that she was saving herself for marriage!

Us Weekly is reporting that Britney lost her virginity at age 14, to high-school sweetie Reg Jones, and that she and Justin Timberlake were banging from the start.

I’m shocked. Shocked and appalled.

At least now we can all sleep soundly, knowing that Britney today is exactly who she seems to be.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • For some reason, your last few entries are not displaying properly in Bloglines- I get the following error message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_caption() in /home/admin/sites/ on line 183

  • for some reason i dont believe this..if she lost it that young it would have been out sooner. j.t ratted her out…shes been on a downfall for a long time….NO-ONE! and i repeat NO-ONE would sit on this story….it would have been out right after she shaved her head….imo

  • I already knew that she lost it at age 14 and that all the while she was no daisy-fresh virgin….because I’m the dude she lost it to!! YAHHHHHH!!!!!! Of course she was lying, but that’s okay! It kept her hot and lusted after! Can I just say the girl’s still got it!

  • Is it really that much of a surprise???!! I knew Britney was a ho from the start! Don’t believe what celebrities tell you; she was claiming to be a virgin while making soft-porn videos for her songs! I mean, come ON people. Open your eyes!
    Actions speak louder than words…and look at ther sister, who pretty much is heading down the same road. At least Britney didn’t get pregnant….

  • Beside, hardly anyone saves themselvs for marriage! Regular people can’t do it, and people expect a celebrity to! Ha…don’t be niave…
    40% of highschool girls lose their virginity by the time they turn 17….sick eh? Yup, that’s the kind of society we’re living folks….

  • Did you actally expect Brittany to tell the truth? Although she was growing up with those values, she’s a celebrity (plus how crazy do you have to be to shave you’re head just to stay in the lime light?) We give them all to much respect– just look at her sister! She’s got a show! And look at Miley/Hannah whatever her stupid name is… she’s going the same way and we all know it.

    Did you know she sells t-shirts for 35 bucks? And they sell like CRAZY

    Parents shouldn’t let their kids be like that if they don’t want them to lose their virginity. (I can’t believe that, Storm!)