Today's Evil Beet Gossip

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They can send bloggers all the freebies in the world; Katie Holmes’ new movie is still going to bomb. [popbytes]

Keira Knightley gets honest for Elle magazine. [INO]

Petra Nemcova is adorable. [FListed]

Mel Gibson’s son is, of course, in rehab. [Celebitchy]

Oh, good. Contestants will be able to play musical instruments on next season’s American Idol. I look forward to everyone singing Stairway to Heaven. [Celebrity Smack]

I love when Katherine Heigl smokes. Which is good, because that’s always. [Celebslam]

Video of Tyra Banks and the Vagina Puppet. Why use a puppet when Britney’s is always available? [The Blemish]

The hot new chick from House lends a hand to the WGA picketers. [Ninja Dude]