Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lance Bass Totally Pulled a Britney

Lance Bass Says He Got Married, Had a Quickie Wedding in Vegas

Let’s review all the possible meanings of “pulled a Britney.” Is it:

1) Showed the world his vagina?
2) Fought a car with an umbrella?
3) Shaved his head?
4) Checked in and out of rehab three times while you were asleep?
5) Married Kevin Federline?

No, no, kids, it’s none of the above.

As it turns out, Lance Bass once got hitched in Vegas.

“I’ve been in Vegas where I’ve gotten married for like five minutes, but no one talks about it, though.”

Bass, who was part of the boy band ‘N Sync, says he got hitched in “1999 or 2000,” and the bride was “just a friend.”

“In fact, the only reason we did it is because we wanted to get free drinks all night … and we didn’t get one,” he says. “We’re like, `we just got married,’ and they’re like, `ah, whatever.'”

Oh, and, hey, this little revelation happens to coincide with Lance hyping his new book, the title of which is … oh, God, I can’t even say it. Soooooooooo gay.

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