Today's Evil Beet Gossip


sinead.jpg "I think to attack someone as a mother is very dangerous. I would say that's what puts a young girl on a precipice which is very, very dangerous, in my opinion. Some people may end up really regretting the way they're treating her." Sinead O'Connor, discussing Britney Spears' current situation. I swear, every other article that comes across the AP this week is some celebrity weighing in on The Britney Situation. How could anyone possibly stay sane with this level of public scrutiny? ...

Hooray for Kim Kardashian Child Porn!!!

Agency Tries to Sell Kim an Kourtney Kardashian Child Porn Mostly what I'm excited for is all the search traffic I'm going to get from this post, from all the people searching for "child porn." Hello, pedophiles. Welcome to my site. If you're going to be all disgusting and shit, at least click on some ads while you're here. It's the least you can do. Anyway, guys, I had a fever of like 100 last night and I still feel like total ass today, so I don't really have it in me to summarize anything. Here's the article: Decade-old explicit photos ...

This Is Why You Should Read Gossip Blogs, Not Gossip Mags

angie41.jpg From Page Six: WHEN Angelina Jolie stepped out in a midriff-baring tank top, her emaciated stomach nearly ruined In Touch's plans for this week's cover: "Is Angelina Jolie pregnant?" To protect its story, the glossy bought exclusive rights to the shots of her taut torso "so no other weeklies could run them," said an insider. In Touch claims Jolie gained 10 pounds in her chest, but conveniently cropped the photo above her flat stomach. "When Angelina showed up looking so skinny, they bought the...

One of The Hanson Girls Had to Go to the Hospital!!!

Isaac Hanson in Hospital with Pulmonary Embolism It's the oldest one, the one that looks like a horse. She had to go in after complaining of chest and shoulder pain. Man, some girls just get the worst PMS. Okay, okay, technically it was a pulmonary embolism, which I guess can be really serious, but the doctors are saying she'll be fine, so I'm going to go ahead and make my jokes, k? I guess Hanson is on tour for an album I didn't know existed. Because I'm old and out of touch with what the kids are listening to these days. I me...

Um, Apparently Britney Spears Doesn’t Even Sell Magazines Anymore

Jennifer Aniston Forbes Top Selling Famous Face Neither do Lindsay Lohan or Jessica Simpson, according to Forbes magazine, who announced that none other than Jennifer Aniston was the top-selling famous face over a six-month period ending June 30. Next up? Brad Pitt, followed by Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Reese Witherspoon, Katie Holmes, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson, Valerie Bertinelli and Kelly Ripa. I think I speak for all of us when I say: WHO THE HELL IS VALERIE BERTINELLI? To explain Britney's absence on the list, In Touch Weekly's editor says: "U...

Is Top Chef’s Casey a Proxy for Hillary Clinton?

casey.jpg From NY Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni, regarding tonight's finale of Top Chef: [T]his contest seem[s] like a timely echo of, or overture to, the precedent-courting presidential race: Will there be a first woman Top Chef or a first nonwhite Top Chef or maybe even a first openly gay Top Chef? It's possible that's pushing it a little too far. It's just a show on Bravo, guys. Who do you guys want to win? I'm pretty much Team Casey, but, in lieu of that, I'll settle for a spot on...