Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears’ VMA Performance Was SHOCKING!!!

Yes!!!! It was SHOCKINGLY BAD!!! SHOCKINGLY BORING!!!! SHOCKINGLY TALENT-FREE!!!! SHOCKINGLY STUPID!!!! What the fuck happened, Brit??? It was like you didn't even care up there!!! What happened to all the crazy Criss Angel shit? What happened to your big comeback???? You didn't even try, Britney. Fuck you. />...

Is Everybody Ready for the VMAs?????

I am soooooo psyched!!! I'll be kinda-sorta live-blogging. And through an amazing series of events, I have most of my best girlfriends from high school in my apartment for the occasion. So we will have all sorts of people around to weigh in on Britney. And I FOR SURE want to hear all of your comments!!! GET EXCITED PEOPLE!!!!!!! />...

See? Paris Hilton’s Not Racist.

Paris Hilton and 50 Cent at Tao in Las Vegas Paris parties it up with 50 Cent at TAO in Las Vegas. Everyone's there in preparation for the VMAs ... including Britney Spears, who was at the same club with BFF Alli Sims. No report of a catfight yet, but no pics of the two of them together. And what the hell is Britney doing out last night? Her big comeback performance at the VMAs is today. Shouldn't she be resting?? Come on, Brit!!! ...

It’s My Dick in an Emmy!

Congrats to Justin Timberlake and the gang at SNL. "My Dick in a Box" actually won a Creative Arts Emmy.
"I think it's safe to say that when we first set out to make this song, we were all thinking 'Emmy!'" Samberg said in accepting the award Saturday for best original music and lyrics. "The other thing we were thinking was, 'Hey! Here's this young up and comer, Justin Timberlake, who is clearly very talented and could clearly use a break,'" Samberg said. "So, Justin, if you're out there, congrats to you, kid.'"
/> Congrats to Justin Timberlake and the gang at SNL. "My Dick in a Box" actually won a Creative Arts Emmy. "I think it's safe to say that when we first set out to make this song, we were all thinking 'Emmy!'" Samberg said in accepting the award Saturday for best original music and lyrics. "The other thing we were thinking was, 'Hey! Here's this young up and comer, Justin Timberlake, who is clearly very talented and could clearly use a break,'" Samberg said. "So, Justin, if you're out there, c...


Eve at JET Nightclub in Las Vegas She is everywhere. You guys, I know it must seem like I've run a lot of Eve pictures lately, but, you guys, I even skipped some. Wherever there is a photographer, that is where you will find Eve. SCRAM bracelet and all. Honestly, she is showing up on WireImage with a Paris Hilton frequency. (And speaking of Paris, she's been suspiciously absent lately, given both Fashion Week and the VMAs.) Apparently she's done with Fashion Week, and has hit up the west coast in preparation for the VMAs. She was spotted in JET in Las Vegas, at a party hosted by an ador...

Work It Out, B-Spears!!!

Check out video of Brit-Brit rehearsing for her big VMA comeback performance!!! Did she have emergency lipo-suction?? Bitch looks good!! I for one am rooting for her. I'm not sure what she can do at this point to blow us away, but personally I do hope she rocks it out. /> Check out video of Brit-Brit rehearsing for her big VMA comeback performance!!! Did she have emergency lipo-suction?? Bitch looks good!! I for one am rooting for her. I'm not sure what she can do at this point to blow us away, but personally I do hope she rocks it out. ...

Vanessa Hudgens Apologizes for Naked Photos

Vanessa Hudgens Apologizes for Nude Pics In regards to this, Vanessa issued this statement today: "I want to apologize to my fans, whose support and trust means the world to me. I am embarrassed over this situation and regret having ever taken these photos. I am thankful for the support of my family and friends." Vanessa, sweetheart, I think I speak for all of the country when I say: No need to apologize! We love it! Also: Michelle Williams, Heath Ledger and Shaquille O'Neal would like to extend an extra heartfelt thanks for e...