“When Jackie Chan and I first wanted to work together 15 years ago, our passion was at its peak. … Our desire to succeed was very strong. Now we joke that when we watch [our upcoming film] `The Forbidden Kingdom’ our combined age is 100 … How intense are the battle scenes? My mentality is to not have high expectations.”
– Jet Li, about audience expectations for his upcoming film with Jackie Chan
Yyyooooo, this movie `The Forbidden Kingdom’, potentially could be the awesomest, action packed, Kung-Fu *** kicking movie ever.
I know “awesomest” is not a real word…I’m just so amped.
maaan cant waite you both to see in this film u know……..
u guyz are jast brilliand……..
keep it up…
waxaan aad utaageersanahay aflaanta cajiibka ah ee uusoo bandhigo Jet Li
Hi Jet Li! I love for ever……………….
calle me be back
at the nuber:50937464785