So I am not one to get all hot and bothered over "is he or isn't he gay" Perez Hilton style but I am quite intrigued by the case of Anderson Cooper. He is gay without really being out but still leads a lifestyle that isn't super closeted in New York. My hair guy...who I trust fully...knows his boyfriend and made a passing comment about how he sometimes worries when Anderson goes off to cover wars, disasters etc... How cute is that?
I think it is a joke that Anderson really plays on everyone. Sort of a "obviously I'm gay but I'm not going to placate you by saying anything." Perez, however, came up with quite the little video here.
If you watch it to the end see how Anderson reacts when the female anchor makes an innuendo that her husband would be jealous of the two. It is classic to see her reaction as all of Anderson's colleagues know about his lifestyle.
Still, in the hope for me that lingers, if you are straight Anderson, I love travel...long walks on the beach and fuzzy white dogs. Call me. />
So I am not one to get all hot and bothered over "is he or isn't he gay" Perez Hilton style but I am quite intrigued by the case of Anderson Cooper. He is gay without really being out but still leads a lifestyle that isn't super closeted in New York. My hair guy...who I trust fully...knows his boyfriend and made a passing comment about how he sometimes worries when Anderson goes off to cover wars, disasters etc... How cute is that?
I think it is a joke that Anderson really plays on everyo...