Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton is Advocating for the Disenfranchised American Underclass so as to Reduce Jail Recidivism Out Drinking

Paris Hilton Gets Home at 5 am, Out Drinking After Jail, Pictures and Photos Our paparazzi pals over at Buzz Foto send over these shots of Paris decabbing at her Hollywood Hills home, which they took at five o'clock this morning. Paris looks less than sober, but, hey, at least she wasn't driving. It would be nice if she could just pretend to make good on any of those promises she made about, you know, giving back to society in any substantive way whatsoever. Just go through the motions, Par. Just for a month. Is that really so much to ask? ...

The Only Thing Fake About Jessica Simpson is her Celebrity

Does Jessica Simpson Have Fake Boobs? I am notoriously horrible at picking out fake breasts. I can tell in the case of someone like Kendra, because those monsters defy all the laws of physics, but in the case of Jessica Simpson... I don't know. Are they real? Are they fake? I'd guess real, the photo here is older, but it's the most boobalicious shot I could find. Simpson tells fashion designer pal Michael Kors, who writes about her in the August issue of Harper's Bazaar, on newsstands July 24... "my boobs are real." Ok, fai...

Honestly, People, How Many Britney-Has-a-New-Man Stories Do I Have to Write Each Month?

Britney Spears is Dating Her Bodyguard Damon I wrote one less than a week ago. About Britney's one and only true love, her drug counselor, John Sundahl, who credits Britney's love with keeping him alive through his recent bowel surgery. And if that kind of love can't last, I don't know what hope this new guy has. For anyone who's keeping tabs, it's her bodyguard. His name's Damon, and apparently he's been playing daddy to her boys and taking her to plays and going with her to church and blah blah blah gag me. If you must know: On S...

The Beckhams Invade America!

Posh and Becks W Magazine August Cover It's starting, you guys! Beckham-mania is prepared to conquer the final frontier: the United States of America. Posh & Becks are on the cover of W magazine this August, and the interview promises to be very revealing (almost as revealing as the pictures). Victoria finally addresses those pesky rumors that she's actually a robot: "I think people are really going to see me for the first time. I think they have this impression that I’m this miserable cow who doesn’t smile....

Look! It’s the Fake Breasty ESPY Awards!

Carmen Electra and Kendra Wilkinson at the ESPY Awards Red Carpet, Pictures and Photos The ESPY awards were held today at the Kodak Theater. I don't know who won. I don't know who was nominated. I don't even know what types of awards are given, but I certainly hope Kendra Wilkinson's breasts warranted at least an honorable mention. Is there an award for Most Basketball-Like Body Feature? Danica Patrick was there, and it's cool to get to run pictures of her, because, if you hadn't noticed, I don't know shit about sports, and I know less about racecar driving, but I do know tha...

Links Links Links

Amy Winehouse's Back to Black has officially gone platinum. Amy, on the other hand, has officially gone batshit. [Bree]

Paris Hilton is wearing a shirt with her own face on it. They should make men's pants with Paris Hilton's face on them. That would make more sense. [Celebslam]

Diddy is having sex with everyone. [Bossip]

What's your workout soundtrack? [Pajiba]

Star magazine doesn't think Nicole Richie's body can handle a baby, either. [popbytes]

Katharine McPhee: still way hot. [Glitterati]

Okay, I finally looked at these Bai Ling nipple slip pictures, and this chick has a ginormous nipple. That thing really does look like it could poke your eye out. [Drunken Stepfather]

Anne Heche: still motherfucking crazy, now with more property destruction. [Cele|bitchy]

Josh Duhamel says that Fergie would have been too hot for him in high school. Okay, Josh. Take that sentence. Reverse it. Apply it to today. Then call me. [The Blemish]

/>Amy Winehouse's Back to Black has officially gone platinum. Amy, on the other hand, has officially gone batshit. [Bree] Paris Hilton is wearing a shirt with her own face on it. They should make men's pants with Paris Hilton's face on them. That would make more sense. [Celebslam] Diddy is having sex with everyone. [Bossip] What's your workout soundtrack? [Pajiba] Star magazine doesn't think Nicole Richie's body can handle a baby, either. [popbytes] Katharine McPhee: still way hot. [Gli...

Lindsay Lohan’s Lesbian Love Letters from Rehab!!

Lindsay Lohan Sending Lesbian Love Letters to Girlfriend, DJ Samantha Ronson, Pictures of the Two of Them Together Apparently Lindsay is spending her time at Promises trying to rehab her relationship with Samantha Ronson as much as she's dealing with her drug problem, but hopefully she's doing better with the drugs ... According to Star magazine, Lindsay and SamRo have been sending extremely charged MySpace and text messages back and forth ever since Lindsay checked into rehab. "Babe, if I don’t have you in my life then I should just go die,” wrote Lindsay one night. “Your [sic] all I ha...

Richie’s DUI Trial Postponed for One Month

Nicole Richie DUI Trial Court Date Postponed Until August Nicole Richie has won this round. Nicole's DUI trial was supposed to start today, but her lawyer effectively petitioned to have the trial date pushed back until August, when an expert witness would be available to testify. The expert witness, Dr. Terence McGee, will testify that urinalysis results are an inaccurate way to do drug testing, and that the cops should have used blood testing instead (notwithstanding the fact that Nicole admitted her drug use). The new court date is August 16. Richie ...

Charlie Sheen’s Ready for Wife #3

Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller Wolofsky Pictures and Photos Sucks to be you, Denise Richards. Just a couple months after Denise's break-up with Richie Sambora became public, her ex-hubby Charlie Sheen has gone and got himself engaged again. The newest future ex-Mrs. Sheen is Brooke Mueller, a 29-year-old real estate investor. It seems Brooke's investment in this relationship is already paying dividends; Charlie proposed with a $500,000 engagement ring on a Costa Rican beach. This is Sheen's second marriage. His first marriage, to Donna Peele,...

Michael Moore vs. CNN: Round Two

You all seemed very interested in yesterday's videos of Sicko director Michael Moore, and CNN aired the second part of that interview today. So here's the video for those of you who are interested. Moore seems a little calmer by this point than he did in the first part of the interview, but still an interesting discussion. />You all seemed very interested in yesterday's videos of Sicko director Michael Moore, and CNN aired the second part of that interview today. So here's the video for those of you who are interested. Moore seems a little calmer by this point than he did in the first part of the interview, but still an interesting discussion. ...