Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton’s New Man is Very Articulate

Check out the YouTube interviews of Paris Hilton’s new 21-year-old man, Tyler Atkins. These were done in late June of this year. I guess, since Lindsay Lohan dated Calum Best, it’s time for Paris to date a guy with a hot accent, too. (He tells the story referenced in the NY Daily News in Part 1, starting around the 2:50 mark.)

Part 1

Part 2

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I was going to go into a whole diatribe of why I can’t stand Australia, but this boy’s interview speaks for itself. He can’t even chew gum and talk at the same time.

    That accent can grate the nerves if it’s not watered down.

    “Eet wuz preety gnarly, ‘n that. Me an me mates were preety bored, ‘n that. Where the fuck are me shoes, ‘n that?”

    Tie me kangaroo down sport, tie me kangaroo down.

  • Listen mate. You’re like shrimp on the barbie; here today, gone tomorrow. Stick a fork in it. You’re done.

  • $75 for a yellow t-shirt that says “I believe in a thing called love”?

    Do the proceeds go to his “Find a brain for me” fund?