Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris + Construction Paper = Glee

parisanddaddyunite.jpg Paris Hilton made a special gift for her visiting dad Sunday – a Father's Day card. Oh joy, oh bliss, this is going to be a fun one to start off our Monday. My 6th grade writing teacher told me "write what you know" and I know making fun of Paris. Let's do this. On their way in (to visit Paris), Rick was asked if this was a particularly hard Father's Day. "It's not ideally my best," he replied. Asked how he felt, he said: "I feel alright." I hope that's not a real quote because...

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Coral from Real World: NY is re-embracing her lesbianism. And lesbians worldwide are looking forward to re-embracing that rack. [Bossip]

Justin Timberlake admits that JBiel is more of a "Miss Right Now." Story of her life. [Cele|bitchy]

Jennifer Aniston's bringing smartwater everywhere. [Celebslam]

Let them eat Paris Hilton cake. [popbytes]

Remember J.R. Rotem? Neither does Britney Spears. But I guess he fucked her wheelbarrow-style. You know, for all the shit we gave Kevin Federline for being classless, that dude was never, ever bragging to reporters about all the positions he had Britney in. [Ninja Dude]

Rihanna talks about her dad's crack cocaine habit. (Side note: after jamming out to "Umbrella" all damn weekend, my friends and I walked right past Rihanna at The Grove today -- she is super-tall and gorgeous in person.) [The Bosh]

/>Coral from Real World: NY is re-embracing her lesbianism. And lesbians worldwide are looking forward to re-embracing that rack. [Bossip] Justin Timberlake admits that JBiel is more of a "Miss Right Now." Story of her life. [Cele|bitchy] Jennifer Aniston's bringing smartwater everywhere. [Celebslam] Let them eat Paris Hilton cake. [popbytes] Remember J.R. Rotem? Neither does Britney Spears. But I guess he fucked her wheelbarrow-style. You know, for all the shit we gave Kevin Federline for...

Is Rosie O’Donnell Going to Host The Price is Right?

Rosie O’Donnell Host Price is Right Bob Barker, who recently filmed his last episode of the show, is supporting Rosie as an replacement. "I believe they're going to have a meeting with Rosie," said Barker on Friday night. "She knows the show. There's no doubt in my mind she could do the show. Now, whether they want a lady host, I don't know. I've never heard that discussed. As far as I know, they've only auditioned men. She told me she loved 'The Price Is Right' and wanted to host it one day." I really don't see how thi...

Wowsers, These Kids Are Screwed

What's the state of the universe you ask? Taaaaaa-da!
David Hasselhoff Gets Full Custody of Children
Yes, this David Hasselhoff: Actually that's not near as bad as this... talk about ABUSE! />What's the state of the universe you ask? Taaaaaa-da! David Hasselhoff Gets Full Custody of Children Yes, this David Hasselhoff: Actually that's not near as bad as this... talk about ABUSE! ...

Lindsay Lohan Gets Sued Yet Again

Lindsay Back in Rehab We've always wondered, is this Lohan kid going to make it as an actress? The answer becomes more cloudy by the day, but one thing is for certain -- the gal is great at getting sued. Check this noise out: Lohan Sued Again Over 2005 Car Crash. Now that's just sad. It's the "again" that really chokes me up here. The really bad news is that this lawsuit isn't for a measly $3624. Oh no, my friends, she's looking at a bill of (drumroll please): The lawsuit, which seeks at least $200,000 in dama...

Don’t Worry Guys, I Gots Your Back

nickyhilton.jpg I know Beet did her best to frighten everyone that we'd all be without Friday entertainment. But we won't. Because Spiteful Lars is on the case, and I plan on posting like a dervish. I'm talking hot blogging action here, stuff you won't find on all those other blogs. So let's start you off with the first story of the day: Kathy Hilton and daughter Nicky are still reeling from their visits to Paris in jail, they tell PEOPLE. Smell that? Yep, it's Paris news, people. And here you thought it w...


Is this a Miley Cyrus upskirt photo??? It hit the Internet this week. To me, it looks like she's wearing underwear. You can view the uncensored version and the close-up thumbnails below to decide for yourself. Or, to check out some real celebrity upskirt photos, click here for our gallery. [gallery] ...