Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Now We Know Where Nicole Richie’s Getting Her Adderall

Apparently Paris Hilton's "mystery" illness is ... drum roll ... ADD. ADD? AD fucking D??? Attention. Deficit. Disorder. That was the serious medical issue that prompted the Sheriff to release her from jail early? Look, folks, I'm not a doctor, but I'm not under the impression that Paris Hilton was being asked to, you know, take geometry in the slammer. And I know about one billion people with ADD, many of whom have decided voluntarily not to take their medication for it, and they all survive just fine. Many of them are, in fact, far more productive (although less economically impactful) members of society than Ms. Hilton. This is complete and utter bullshit. Is the L.A. County jail system just going to make a habit of releasing everyone with ADD now? Is that the new plan, guys? Jesus H. Christ. />Apparently Paris Hilton's "mystery" illness is ... drum roll ... ADD. ADD? AD fucking D??? Attention. Deficit. Disorder. That was the serious medical issue that prompted the Sheriff to release her from jail early? Look, folks, I'm not a doctor, but I'm not under the impression that Paris Hilton was being asked to, you know, take geometry in the slammer. And I know about one billion people with ADD, many of whom have decided voluntarily not to take their medication for it, and they ...

L.A. Girl!

Victoria Beckham Throws Out Opening Pitch at Dodgers Game Picture Recent Angeleno Victoria Beckham throws out the opening pitch at the Dodgers vs. Mets game on Monday. I hate to admit it, but this is actually pretty cute. Ms. Beckham sure is working hard to make her mark in the States, paving the way for her husband to start playing with the L.A. Galaxy in August. They're already enormous stars all over the rest of the world, so I guess we'll see if they can take on Hell-Ay. If anyone knows how to craft an image, it's Posh Spice. I'm not sure if the same can be ...

Links Links Links

Sorry links are so late today. I was busy all day studying for and taking my very last final of graduate school. Somebody give me a motherfucking cookie. Or, you know, a job. A job would be cool too. (Who am I kidding? I don't want a real job.) Anyway, here goes:

Looks like Whoopi Goldberg's going to be replacing Rosie on The View. The show was able to attract her because their demo will continue to ensure that no one born after 1990 will ever have heard of Whoopi Goldberg. [A Socialite's Life]

Lily Allen does Elle. [popbytes]

Paris Hilton chats on the phone with Barbara Walters. Apparently she really wants to get involved with humanitarian causes, which I'm sure will last every bit as long as Hyde continues to throw those Save Darfur parties. [Jordan]

Did X17 steal those photos of Lindsay Lohan with the knives from a camera she left in her car? God I hope so. [Celebrity Smack]

Rihanna claims that Jay-Z wants to screen all the guys she dates. I bet Beyonce wants to screen them, too, and toss out all the ones who don't have herpes. [Bossip]

Serena Williams' ass gives Kim Kardashian's a run for its money. [Celebslam]

Is Britney getting back together with K-Fed? Dude, I'm almost rooting for it. [F&C]

Carmen Electra's half-naked and dancing. Act surprised. [Derek Hail]

/>Sorry links are so late today. I was busy all day studying for and taking my very last final of graduate school. Somebody give me a motherfucking cookie. Or, you know, a job. A job would be cool too. (Who am I kidding? I don't want a real job.) Anyway, here goes: Looks like Whoopi Goldberg's going to be replacing Rosie on The View. The show was able to attract her because their demo will continue to ensure that no one born after 1990 will ever have heard of Whoopi Goldberg. [A Socialite's Life]...

Elliot Mintz Gets All the Best Drag Queens

Paris Hilton's publicist hit the town in LA this weekend with a bevy of ... um ... If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I've enlarged the faces of the two women on the right, just so you can see for yourself the extent of the fugly we're dealing with here. Look, if he were just with one, I'd be like, "Oh, okay, she's probably a very smart and special girl, and he's really into her personality." But if you're gonna be whoring around with a ton of women, Elliot, at least find some hot 20-somethings. Come on, dude. [photo credit: Buzz Foto] />Paris Hilton's publicist hit the town in LA this weekend with a bevy of ... um ... If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I've enlarged the faces of the two women on the right, just so you can see for yourself the extent of the fugly we're dealing with here. Look, if he were just with one, I'd be like, "Oh, okay, she's probably a very smart and special girl, and he's really into her personality." But if you're gonna be whoring around with a ton of women, Elliot, at least...

Everyone’s in the Business of Selling out Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan Cocaine Nicole Richie The latest to hop on the cash-in-on-Lindsay's-addiction bandwagon is former bodyguard Lee Weaver, who's currently writing a memoir about his time with Lindsay (she didn't make him sign an NDA?) and sold a few juicy tidbits to News of the World, which has officially cornered the market on Lindsay Lohan's drug addiction. There's a lot of good stuff in the article, including a full-on hair-pulling fight with Jessica Simpson and the attempted assault of a drug dealer, but here are some other highlights: She had a total death wish and took more drugs and drank more tha...

Blind Item!

Which 17-year-old TV hellion has taken to boozing extra hard in NYC clubs now that a Los Angeles crackdown on underage drinking means she can't get through the door in Hollywood?
Guesses? Hayden Panettiere is the only 17-year-old female TV star that comes to mind for me, but we don't hear a lot of tales of her boozing. Who else is there? [source] />...

Meryl Streep’s Daughter Looks Just Like Her

mamiegummerishotlikemom.jpg And she's also hot. Her name is Mamie Gummer and I'm predicting good things from her. Of course it will help that momma is a 14 time Oscar nominee. Both mother and daughter are in Evening, and these are from the press conference of said movie. Evening, sadly, is a very horrible movie. It's so sappy that you could make hard cider from it. It's so boring that you'll search for something sharp while you're seeing it. Still though, Mamie, let's do lunch. ...

How’s Sobriety Working Out for Ya, Jesse Metcalfe?

Jesse Metcalfe Drinking Again The recently rehabbed hunk was spotted leaving Parc this weekend looking a little less than sober. The New York Post reports that Jesse spent the weekend before partying it up in Miami, where he got into all sorts of trouble. A spy at the Shore Club saw Metcalfe poolside last Saturday afternoon chatting it up "with three married women from New York. Jesse spent the afternoon ordering drinks with the ladies . . . and then walked out on the tab." Earlier that day, a different source told Page Six, Metcalfe and his assistant threw a fit at the Hotel Catalina in Miami Beach. "The assistant w...

Japan Gets All The Premieres Ever

brucewillisdiessortofhard.jpg It's so unfair that everyone promotes everything in Japan, leaving us non-Japanese based writers out in the cold. Well, check out the above picture and note that it's going down again. Bruce Willis is over there promoting his new film, Live Free or Die Old right this moment. He's enjoying good sushi with real Wasabi (I've been assured you can't get "real" Wasabi in the states) while singing Karaoke and partying with Harajuku girls. And where the hell are we? At our desks. I hope it's all ...

I’m Against Paris Again! Whew.

parishiltonisstillanattentionwhore.jpg From People: Paris Hilton made a phone call to the View host (BaBwa Walters) on Sunday to talk about her state of mind, ABC News reports. See, I saw the crying face and my heart melted. If you're a woman in my life, and you want something, just fire up those tears. I'll get a second job honey, no problemo. But now, thankfully, Paris has gone back on the "pay attention to me" crusade. Yay! According to ABC News, Hilton told Walters that her attitude has changed. "I used to act dumb," she sa...