Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Who Didn’t Miss K-Fed?

K-Fed Rules

Everyone did. It’s impossible not to. Like your kid brother who wants to be an astronaut you’ve just got to smile and muss his hair up a bit every time you see him.

This is him at an after dinner party held by someone named Michele Merkin. Evidently she’s been the host of a show called Celebrity Drive-By which I’ve never heard of. Regardless she does have excellent hands with which to play the piano and I hope she’s taken advantage of that.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You do realize what a “merkin” is, right? It’s a pubic hair wig. That chic’s parents must hate her AND she is too dumb to change her last name or get out of FedEx’s air space, lest she catch something like pregnancy or chronic mediocraty.

  • Glad to oblige in your quest for knowledge, Fair Beet!

    I will look forward to anally extrapolating more random shit for your amusement in the near future.

    Yours in caustic wit,

  • WOw, y’all really need some gay influence on this site if “merkin” evaded even the author’s radar.

    Anyway, I love that her “peace” sign is actually a British flip off. How apt!

  • I knew Merkin was a word but it seemed too easy. Besides hasn’t it been more fun for y’all to discover that little easter egg all on your own?

    Pianist, sure no problem, just let me know where (and to whom).

  • Whowwww…… transsexual alert … looks at that womans(man) hands ans adams apple looks like a guy to me kevy do dudes????

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