Today's Evil Beet Gossip

My Friday Gift to You

This is Miss Kentucky dancin' up a storm in the 1993 Miss America pageant and it is GENIUS. No where will you find skills of this level, and if this doesn't make your Friday a little brighter you are doomed I tell ya, doomed. Enjoy! />This is Miss Kentucky dancin' up a storm in the 1993 Miss America pageant and it is GENIUS. No where will you find skills of this level, and if this doesn't make your Friday a little brighter you are doomed I tell ya, doomed. Enjoy! ...

Liv Tyler is Hulky

livtyler.jpg Liv Tyler is going to be in the new Incredible Hulk movie (with Ed Norton) according to which is in fact the geekiest site URL known to man. I know we don't usually get into casting news around here but I think this is good. And I like Liv Tyler. I would have done the animal cracker thing with her in Armageddon and I wouldn't do that for just anyone because it was completely chees-o-riffic. And, as I am at work before 6am, I want to run a Liv Tyler photo just to keep ...

Lovin’ Some Missy Higgins

Last year, my kid sister did a study abroad in Australia (because, apparently, my parents can magically afford things like private colleges and studies abroad for her, but I'm not bitter, but it's just interesting, I think, when you consider that I've been pretty much self-supporting since the age of 18 and she's just now embarking on six years of a Ph.D. program after which she might make some semblance of a salary as a marine biologist by the age of 30 but it was just way too expensive for me to do a study abroad, but I'm not bitter at all*) and she came back with an Australian accent (about which I mercilessly teased her), the most amazing box of chocolates (Tim Tams, I think they were called) and a CD of Australian musicians. It took me weeks to get past the first track: Missy Higgins, "Scar." I hadn't thought about Missy in awhile, but her pics came up on WireImage today, because I guess she was performing on some show in Australia. Anyway, it reminded me of how hard that song rocked, and I wanted to share it with you, my lovelies. Enjoy.

*I am so getting a phone call from my mom about this post. "But you didn't want to do a study abroad, dear, remember? You wanted to go to a public university and live in the dorms and work at Blockbuster. You were very clear on that." /> Last year, my kid sister did a study abroad in Australia (because, apparently, my parents can magically afford things like private colleges and studies abroad for her, but I'm not bitter, but it's just interesting, I think, when you consider that I've been pretty much self-supporting since the age of 18 and she's just now embarking on six years of a Ph.D. program after which she might make some semblance of a salary as a marine biologist by the age of 30 but it was just way too expensive for me...

Introducing: The Archives!

Not that anyone cares, but our genius of a webmaster (yours truly) finally figured out how to import the rest of the EB archives over from our old Blogger site. So if you want to know what was happening in, say, October 2006, it's here now. Damn, I'm good. Only took me two months. Someone should give me a degree in computer science... />...

Links Comin’ Atcha Early Today

Because I'm just fuckin' on top of it today.

I'm sure David Beckham was super excited that his birthday party was basically a Spice Girls reunion. [Cele|bitchy]

Look, Isaiah, it's over. Just stop using homophobic slurs. No need to film a whole PSA about it. [The Bosh]

Who else is totally psyched for the J.Lo/Marc Anthony juggernaut that is El Cantante? [Junkiness]

It looks like Jessica Alba may be getting very, very naked for Sin City 2. [Agent Bedhead]

Please, David Hasselhoff, remind us again how your ex-wife has a substance abuse problem. I mean, after you sober up enough to eat a hamburger without assistance. [The Blemish]

Mr. Hail conducts a thorough analysis of some possible explanations for the white powder on Kate Moss's pants as she leaves a London club. [Derek Hail]

The Smashing Pumpkins are touring again. Break out the Urban Decay nail polish. [ICYDK]

Brad and Angelina are still disgustingly in love. [Daily Stab]

Busta Rhymes gets pulled over due to having excessively tinted skin windows, and winds up with a DUI. [Yeeeah!]

Now that Lindsay and Britney don't go to AA meetings, we're forced to turn our attention to Mike Tyson's rehabbing adventures. [Bossip]

A billion more Coachella photos, because some of you care. [Buzznet]

/>Because I'm just fuckin' on top of it today. I'm sure David Beckham was super excited that his birthday party was basically a Spice Girls reunion. [Cele|bitchy] Look, Isaiah, it's over. Just stop using homophobic slurs. No need to film a whole PSA about it. [The Bosh] Who else is totally psyched for the J.Lo/Marc Anthony juggernaut that is El Cantante? [Junkiness] It looks like Jessica Alba may be getting very, very naked for Sin City 2. [Agent Bedhead] Please, David Hasselhoff, remind us again how y...

Hey, Paris, Wouldn’t It Be So Much Fun If You and Joe Francis Were Cell-Mates?

paris_fashion6.jpg Ooooh!! Oh, guys, guys, then if Nicole Richie ends up getting sent to the slammer for her little wrong-way journey on the 134 you guys could all share a cell! It would be like a slumber party every night! It's like this one time my one friend moved to New York for the summer and then me and my other best friend were like, "What the hell? We'll move to New York too!" and then we all lived in this little studio on the upper west side and went clubbing every single night and hooked up with lot...

Ivanka Trump is in Looooove

ivanka1.jpg Juggling the roles of being the daughter of Donald Trump and the very most qualified Vice President in the Trump Organization is certain to wear a girl out. Ivanka Trump deserves a little relaxation. A little sumpin'-sumpin', if ya know what I mean, and who better to get it from than that other potent NYC hybrid of nepotism and ambition: New York Observer owner Jared Kushner, 25. According to Gawker, the two were out bowling last night. "Every now and then they sneaked a kiss," reports a...

Britney’s Comeback Tour, Stop Two: More Gum and Fewer Cameras

brit_hob1.jpg The second stop on the Britney Spears Comeback Tour 2007 was the House of Blues in Anaheim (really, Brit? Anaheim?). Security was super tight: no cell phones or recording equipment was allowed inside, and guests had to go through metal detectors to get in. Brit went on a little after 9:30 and performed for 12 minutes. Brit was apparently so focused on her singing that she was able to chew gum for a portion of the performance. So far, to HoB security's credit, no photos or videos from ...

Was Ryan Seacrest Doing Lines with Lindsay and Paris?

ryan.jpg So, like, I think what this blog needs today is more Lindsay Lohan stories. No, I'm kidding. Sort of. Since we've essentially become (does someone own that?) these past few days, I'd like to skip today's Lohan story, and I would, I really would, if only it didn't involve Ryan Seacrest. Make sense of this oddball Page Six item: LINDSAY Lohan just can't seem to stop partying - and, unluckily for her, word on the street is that someone may have recorded her revelry with a ...