Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Appeals to the Terminator

parisarnold.jpg This story just keep getting better and better. From People magazine today: Paris Hilton Asks for Schwarzenegger Pardon Oh my. Oh my, oh my. Can you even imagine if he pardoned her? Here's more awesomeness from her MySpace: Sign the FREE PARIS HILTON petition to Governor Schwarzenegger I urge all fans and supporters and all that are outraged by injustice to sign this petition. Her friend created this petition (yay Josh!) but I imagin...

Celebs Come Out for the Costume Institute

jessica_costume.jpg I have no idea what this event was, but it may as well have been the Oscars for how many stars showed up. WireImage calls it "Poiret: King of Fashion" Costume Institute Gala at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Everyone was there, including Jessica Simpson and the breasts she seems to have just recently discovered. Celebs pictured here include Jennifers Garner, Connolly, Lopez and Hudson, Ellen Pompeo, Donald and Melania Trump, Christina Ricci, Chloe Sevigny, Cameron Diaz, Gisele Bundchen, Anna ...

Links Links Links

Jessica Simpson's breasts continue their comeback tour. [Holy Candy]

Paris Hilton was photographed smoking a joint at Coachella. [Daily Stab]

Was Britney raped shortly before her break-down? [A Socialite's Life]

Hayden Panettiere filmed a movie in Africa, and now thinks she might "go over there and bring food." That's so sweet, Hayden. While you're at it, could you pick up some CPK and swing it by my place? LABite takes forever. Plus there are way fewer guerilla armies west of the 405. [Derek Hail]

Is Amy Winehouse going to be the new Bond girl? They could name the character Alotta Blow. [Bree]

Tobey Maguire still loves his little girl. Enjoy this, Tobey, because in about ten years she'll be a rude, thoughtless little pig who films you while you drunkenly consume cheeseburgers. [Cele|bitchy]

Who knew Sofia Loren still had a rack like this? [DListed]

Hef's third-favorite girlfriend, Kendra Wilkinson, hits up Miami in a bikini. Yay summer! [Hollywood Tuna]

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy are still together and probably still fighting over who used whose hair products. [Hollywood Rag]

The latest Paris Hilton upskirt pics. [Drunken Stepfather]

Brad Pitt needs a stunt butt. [Agent Bedhead]

Simulated rape on-stage does not go over well with advertisers, Akon. [The Blemish]

Shakira's new video. [popbytes]

/>Jessica Simpson's breasts continue their comeback tour. [Holy Candy] Paris Hilton was photographed smoking a joint at Coachella. [Daily Stab] Was Britney raped shortly before her break-down? [A Socialite's Life] Hayden Panettiere filmed a movie in Africa, and now thinks she might "go over there and bring food." That's so sweet, Hayden. While you're at it, could you pick up some CPK and swing it by my place? LABite takes forever. Plus there are way fewer guerilla armies west of the 405. [Derek Hail] Is Amy Winehouse goin...

Paris Hilton Files to Appeal

paris_leaves2.jpg Hilton's lawyers are filing to appeal the sentencing Paris received on Friday, essentially claiming the the trial judge did not have a right to give Paris the 45 days of jail time. View the appeal here. I don't think this means she will necessary be granted an appeal, just that she's trying to get one ... Meanwhile, Gawker's selling "Don't Free Paris" shirts. This would be an acceptable "I love you, Beet" gift if anyone wants to get me something just because. ...

Ty Pennington Sobers Up …

ty_1.jpg God, it must have sucked to wake up as Ty Pennington today. Like, it's one thing if you're Paris Hilton and you score a DUI -- everyone has their fun with it, but you're famous for being a party girl anyway, so what the hell, at least it keeps you in the papers. But when you're Ty Fucking Pennington, America's Golden Boy and host of what is arguably the most family-friendly, red-state-courting, Jesus-loving show in evening network television, this fucking sucks. It's like Barney got caught s...

Brit Did a Vegas Show Yesterday

brit_cool_hat_yay.jpg I guess there were actually four mini-shows on Brit's "comeback" agenda. You would have heard about this last one sooner, except Paris is going to jail and Lindsay got caught on tape doing cocaine, and all of a sudden no one cares that Britney's bouncing around on stage for a few minutes. Brit did another 5-song, 14-minute set at the House of Blues in Las Vegas on Sunday. She wore the same skimpy fuschia top we've consistently seen her in, and sang "Hit Me Baby," "I'm A Slave," "Breathe on Me," "Do Something" and "Toxic." She was lipsynching, per usual. "It ...

Blind Item!

"Which hard-partying starlet, we hear, will soon be seeking a new publicity rep? The drug and alcohol gossip was one thing, but she hates those pesky lesbian rumors that keep turning up in print." [via R&M] />...

Aw, I Kind of Feel Bad for David Hasselhoff Now

the_hoff.jpg So in the wake of Cheeseburger-Gate, a judge has apparently taken away The Hoff's visitation rights with his two teenage daughter. He can communicate with them over the phone only. In a statement, Hoff said: “Despite that I have been going through a painful divorce and I have recently been separated from my children due to my work, I have been successfully dealing with my issue,” he said. Unfortunately, one evening I did have a brief relapse, but part of recovery is relapse. I ...

The Week is off to a Good Start: TY PENNINGTON DUI!

ty.jpg Via TMZ: "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" star Ty Pennington was arrested early Saturday morning in Los Angeles on suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol and drugs while driving. The hottie carpenter, who got his start on the TLC hit "Trading Spaces," was arrested at 12:35 AM. He was released two hours later after posting $5000 bail. Heh heh heh. We'll have details and snark as the story develops. ...