Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ohhhhh Shit

paris_kevin_beet.jpg Paris, darling, do you need attention? Is that why you showed up at Jason Strauss's birthday party at TAO last night? For the Kevin Federline photo op? Just in case the stake hasn't been driven all the way through Britney's heart? Just grind it in that last inch or so ... and take your new boyfriend along, too, just to remind the world that you can have it all. Everything but self respect, my darling. Everything but that. ...

You’re Naked!

cand_kristine.jpg Remember that show The Apprentice? It used to air on NBC? Oh, what's that you say? It's still on? Really? Why? Anyway, I guess there was some chick on it this season named Kristine Lefebvre, who should, if nothing else, at least win some manner of prize for the most lingually inconvenient sequence of consonants in a last name. Because she didn't win The Apprentice. Trump fired her earlier this month. But you know who does want her? Playboy. From the AP: Kristine Lefebvre, who failed to w...

Alec Baldwin Responds

Alec Baldwin just posted the following statement on his website, in response to the tape that was leaked to the media, in which Alec loses his temper on his daughter's voicemail:

Thank you to everyone who has posted messages of suppport and understanding. Naturally, it is not best for a parent to lose their temper with their child. Everyone who knows me privately knows that I have endured a great deal over the last several years in my custody litigation. Everyone who knows me privately knows that certain people will go to any lengths to embarass me and to disrupt my relationship with my daughter.

In such public cases, your opponents attempt to take a picture of you on your worst day and insist that this is who you are as a person. Outside the doors of divorce court, I have friends, I have respect from people I work with and I have a normal relationship with my daughter. All of that is threatened whenever one enters a court room.

Although I have been told by numerous people not to worry too much, as all parents lose their patience with their kids, I am most saddened that this was released to the media because of what it does to a child. I'm sorry, as everyone who knows me is aware, for losing my temper with my child. I have been driven to the edge by parental alienation for many years now. You have to go through this to understand. ( Although I hope you never do.) I am sorry for what happened. But I am equally sorry that a court order was violated, which had deliberately been put under seal in this case.

Once my book is published, I'm sure more people will understand the incredible strains created by parental alienation.

In the meantime, I'm sorry to anyone who's taken offense from this episode.

/>Alec Baldwin just posted the following statement on his website, in response to the tape that was leaked to the media, in which Alec loses his temper on his daughter's voicemail: Thank you to everyone who has posted messages of suppport and understanding. Naturally, it is not best for a parent to lose their temper with their child. Everyone who knows me privately knows that I have endured a great deal over the last several years in my custody litigation. Everyone who knows me privately knows tha...

Jesse Metcalfe Doesn’t Just Play a Cheater on Television

jesse.jpg Jesse Metcalfe, best known for his role as the hunky gardener-slash-homewrecker on Desperate Housewives, has just been very publicly dumped by his girlfriend after pictures of him holding hands with another girl surfaced on the Internet yesterday. Metcalfe -- who checked into rehab last month -- was photographed on the streets of L.A. with a mystery brunette. His girlfriend, Nadine Coyle, was not particularly happy about it. If you're reading this from the U.S., you've probably never heard of Nadi...

Why Does Time Warner Cable Suck So Hard?

Hi guys, I rarely use this blog for matters of this sort, but trying to get my cable television to work is rapidly becoming my full-time job. My HDTV box doesn't work. I call Time Warner, and they're like, "Well, clearly there's a problem with your box." (Insert my friend Shannon, who, when presented with this problem, responds, "You need your box to work if you wanna get some play. Get it? Play?" She's funny.) My box was just installed a couple weeks ago, and I haven't done anything like drop it off my balcony in the meantime, so this is obviously their fault. "What can I do about this?" I ask. "Well," responds the helpful lady, "you need to bring it in and exchange it for a new one." This seems doable enough. "Except," she says, "we don't accept HDTV boxes in our centers. So you'll have to set up an appointment to have someone come in and replace it." This, of course, requires that I take time off work -- which I already did several weeks ago to have the first one installed. "Are you serious?" I ask. "Very," she responds. So here's the question I pose to you, dear readers: What are my options? It seems very unfair that, in the year 2007, my one and only option for acquiring MTV is Time Warner Cable. I hear murmurings about IPTV, DirectTV, etc. I live on the Westside in LA. What else is available here? Has anyone had any positive experiences with a cable company around here? Help would be much appreciated. Leave it in the comments or shoot me an email at xoxo Beet />Hi guys, I rarely use this blog for matters of this sort, but trying to get my cable television to work is rapidly becoming my full-time job. My HDTV box doesn't work. I call Time Warner, and they're like, "Well, clearly there's a problem with your box." (Insert my friend Shannon, who, when presented with this problem, responds, "You need your box to work if you wanna get some play. Get it? Play?" She's funny.) My box was just installed a couple weeks ago, and I haven't done anything like drop...

Um, Did You Guys Know Stephen Baldwin Wrote a Book About Jesus?

stephen.jpg Every now and then one of the fabulous advertisements on Evil Beet will catch my attention, and I'll click (rarely, Google, rarely). Tonight, my rantings about the Father of the Year award surely due Alec Baldwin prompted Google to advertise this. It's a book by Stephen Baldwin, titled, and I quote, The Unusual Suspect: My Calling to the New Hardcore Movement of Faith. Reads the Publisher's Weekly review: As the youngest son of six children, at the tail end of the (in)famous Baldwin brothers acting family, Stephen Baldwin has never done anything by ...

Late-Night Links

Anna Nicole's mother was having sex with her step-brother. Someone, quick, give that woman a small baby to take care of. [A Socialite's Life]

If you've begun collecting celebrity crotch shots like they were baseball cards, you can add Mischa Barton to the stack. [Ninja Dude]

Heather Graham is a dead ringer for Tori Amos in her new red hair. [AB]

Jessica Alba shoots a commercial for Revlon. And if you thought their make-up was barely visible, you should see her skirt. [The Blemish]

Behind the scenes with Fall Out Boy. [Bree]

Beyonce, Kimora and Tyra. Does this mean the apocalypse is next? [IBBB]

Sanjaya Malakar speaks about his time on Idol. [Celebrity Smack]

Lindsay Lohan's MySpace hacker speaks. [CelebSlam]

/>Anna Nicole's mother was having sex with her step-brother. Someone, quick, give that woman a small baby to take care of. [A Socialite's Life] If you've begun collecting celebrity crotch shots like they were baseball cards, you can add Mischa Barton to the stack. [Ninja Dude] Heather Graham is a dead ringer for Tori Amos in her new red hair. [AB] Jessica Alba shoots a commercial for Revlon. And if you thought their make-up was barely visible, you should see her skirt. [The Blemish] Behind the scenes with Fall...