Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Even Dead, He Was Still a Jag-Off

jack-valenti-1.jpg A month ago I mentioned that I hoped this guy died soon. And now he has. Everyone is rushing to lionize what a pioneering and wonderful man he was but this at best a half-truth. He was a proud censor, a man who made sure a priest helped form our rating systems, a bigot and a homophobe. He was a world class fuckhead, and even in death he's not going to get a pass from me. MUCH more ranting and raving after the more button Read More...

Quote of the Day

2007-03-17t210253z_01_nootr_rtridsp_2_ouken-uk-joss.jpg Joss Stone thinks that maybe Britney just wanted a little airing out. We shouldn't be mad at Britney Spears because she didn't wear underwear. That's her choice. She wasn't hurting anybody. That was her. She decided not to wear underwear. Maybe she wanted a little breeze. That's her decision. But we should be mad at the guy who posted it on the Internet. What an [expletive], what a [expletive] [expletive]. That's a really mean, nasty, malicious, terrible thing to do to somebody. When you fla...

There’s Always Gonna Be a Fish in a Man’s Penis, Chief

As you can probably tell, Evil T and I are both a little obsessed with this concept of the Penis Fish from Grey's Anatomy last night. As such, I've put together what I like to call my "Penis Fish Montage." Enjoy.