Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh Lord Please Tell Me There’s a Lauren Conrad Sex Tape

jason_lc.jpg Oh pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease tell me that girl was stupid enough to let Jason Wahler get her fucking on camera. Don't get me wrong, I love LC, I think she's adorable, and I'm usually rooting for her, but I have NO SYMPATHY for girls who let dudes do this. JUST DON'T DO IT, GIRLS. Especially if you're Lauren Fucking Conrad. It is going to leak. Always, always. According to Perez, Lauren tried to break into Jason's apartment to get the tape back, but she was unsuccessful. Jason finally agreed ...

We’re Turning on Mama Jolie!

jolie.jpg It's official. The Mama Jolie roller coast has reached its pinnacle and now it must swoop down into darkness. Why says so? Why US Weekly does! Page Six (ty nine) says: Sources say Us Weekly, Star and other celebrity weeklies are so fed up with getting scooped by People, they've turned on Jolie and Brad Pitt with a vengeance. I agree. Fuck People Mag right in their ear. If I ever see one of those bastards on the street I will be on them like a hurricane of nails and teeth. And elbows. An...

Late-Night Links/Hallelujah!!

I finally have Internet in my new apartment! Hooray!!! On a related note: FUCK TIME WARNER. Okay? FUCK YOU, TIME WARNER. It feels good to get that out. So things should be settling down to something approximating normal around here. As normal as we get, I suppose. Late-night links are back in late night. Enjoy.

Lindsay and Hilary bond over their shared hatred of Paris Hilton. [A Socialite's Life]

Are the American Idol producers actually hoping Sanjaya will stick around? [popbytes]

A Christmas Story director Bob Clark and his son were killed by a drunk driver on PCH. [fishbowlLA]

Why diet when you're rich enough for liposuction? [CityRag]

Keith Richards manager says the rocker didn't really snort his father's ashes. [The Blemish]

Last week's Project Runway auditions were short on auditioners. [Celebrity Smack]

Uma Thurman's rack isn't looking so hot. [POTP]

/>I finally have Internet in my new apartment! Hooray!!! On a related note: FUCK TIME WARNER. Okay? FUCK YOU, TIME WARNER. It feels good to get that out. So things should be settling down to something approximating normal around here. As normal as we get, I suppose. Late-night links are back in late night. Enjoy. Lindsay and Hilary bond over their shared hatred of Paris Hilton. [A Socialite's Life] Are the American Idol producers actually hoping Sanjaya will stick around? [popbytes] A Christmas Story director...

Haley’s Military Fans

haley_banner.jpg Haley Scarnato's fiancé Bobby Krudwig got his brother and his fellow servicemen to give her a shout out from Iraq. Krudwig's brother, Army Capt. Keith Krudwig, 34 (far left, wearing sunglasses in the photo) is in his second tour in Iraq and since he couldn't be there to support Hayley in person, he had his mom hold up a sign that was panned to before she was annouced Tuesday. I'm kind of a Haley fan. I have no idea why. She seems so sweet. Can't wait for her naked pics to hit the intern...

Tanya from the Real World…in Soft Core Porn?

000_0066jpg.jpg Tanya Cooley from the "Real World"/every stupid other mutation of that mess has ventured into the world of soft core porn. Wow Tanya, that is classy. Her movie is called “The Erotic Traveler 02: Lost in Ecstasy." You can get it on Cinimax OnDemand. According to the folks over at Reality Blurred, who watched the porn, it isn't very exicted and followed the normal soft core format. It general consists of, "A series of imagined flashbacks about the man and woman in the photo lead, of course...

Sanjaya Isn’t Going Anywhere…And That’s Not Such a Bad Thing

20070328-sanjaya.jpgKen Warwick, executive producer of "American Idol" says that he understands the Sanjaya obsession and doesn't think it is harming the show. He knows that this kid makes good TV and I love that the judges have just given up saying anything negative about him. Warwick realizes there may be some people that turn into Idol just to see how bad Sanjaya really is. “Well, the fact of the matter is that someone on the show getting attention doesn’t really bother me, obviously, He’s still t...

Lauren & Heidi Are Totally Just Fine

hills_mama_040407_fresh.jpg After the season finale of The Hills, the ever-diligent folks over at Radar Online took it upon themselves to call up Heidi Montag's mother in BFE, Colorado, and get her take on Heidi's current situation. She swears that Heidi and Lauren are still the best of friends, Spencer is really a very good guy and Heidi is a very smart and responsible young woman who will soon release an album -- to which she has written all the lyrics. OMG I can't wait. If this album ever sees the light of day, I wi...

Kim Kardashian’s Former Publicist Dishes

kim_k.jpg Whatever Kim Kardashian did to her former "publicist," I hope she does it again. This is awesome. Jonathan Jaxson -- who, if I am researching this correctly, is a 23-year-old gay kid who's appeared on ever reality TV or talk show he can squirm his way onto -- has started his own celebrity gossip blog with a bang, putting Kim Kardashian on blast, touching on such subjects as Paris, Britney, that sex tape, and black men. I'd summarize, but it's really best if you just read his own words. You c...

Anna Faris Files for Divorce

anna-faris02.jpg I don't know much about this girl but I know I love her. She did all those Scary Movie sequels, but she also did Lost in Translation (where her ditzy starlet character was apparently based on Sofia Coppola's arch-nemesis, Cameron Diaz) and Just Friends (where she played a ditzy starlet again -- but she does it sooo well!!!). Anyway, she just filed for divorce from her husband of three years, "actor" Ben Indra. What do you know him from? Nothing, kids. Nothing at all. And with three movies slated to co...

AmIdol Recappin’

american-idol-logo.jpg Hi guys. The Beet is under seige and I had to gulp down 3.5 hours of Grindhouse last night which means this will be reeking of brevity. Here's some random thoughts on last night's Idol. Please God, let's put Ton' Bennett out to pasture. He's a billion years old and everything he says is laced with old man vibe. "Just sing the words," "Make sure you hit the words," "Don't try for any other notes than I did." Yawn and a half. The only spark he provided was liking Sanjaya and commenting on the ...

Rosie Type-Cast

Sometimes you need a pick me up, don't you? This may be the worst movie ever, in the history of the world, and it has Rosie pretending to be mentally retarded. Only, actually, she doesn't even do it very well. She just throws on this crazy fozzy "wocka" accent and calls it good. Enjoy! />Sometimes you need a pick me up, don't you? This may be the worst movie ever, in the history of the world, and it has Rosie pretending to be mentally retarded. Only, actually, she doesn't even do it very well. She just throws on this crazy fozzy "wocka" accent and calls it good. Enjoy! ...