Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Are They Really Going to Send Prince Harry to Iraq?

harry.jpg It looks like they might. His regiment is due to begin a six-month tour of duty in Iraq within weeks. If deployed, Harry would be the first royal to serve in a war zone since his uncle, Prince Andrew, flew as a helicopter pilot in the Falklands conflict with Argentina in 1982 (remember that?). Although the final decision about what exactly Harry will be doing won't be made for a few days, the prince had a huge farewell party in London on Friday night, and gave a moving speech: I'm prepar...

Fun with Pictures

These are from something called the Coachella Music Festival (I think... our fact checker is out sick so I can't be certain). The first one is Amy Winehouse getting her sing on, there's something oddly captivating about her look... but I'm guessing that will fade as the addictions take their toll. 13777859spasulka428200774513pm.jpgThese are from something called the Coachella Music Festival (I think... our fact checker is out sick so I can't be certain). The first one is Amy Winehouse getting her sing on, there's something oddly captivating about her look... but I'm guessing that will fade as the addictions take their toll. Next up, Scarlett Jo trying to sing while wearing an "I'm seven months pregnant" frock. ...

The Britney Spears Comeback Tour!

britneynobra.jpg Well ... sorta. Rumors have been circulating for awhile now, but it looks like it's pretty much confirmed that Ms. Spears will be making a tour of House of Blues venues in Southern California. They won't be full shows, and no one seems to have any idea what the set list will look like. She's done surprise tours like this in the past, but they've always been just that: surprises. I wonder if she'll back out now that her cover's blown. She'll be in San Diego on May 1st, Anaheim on May 2...

Australian Fashion Week: The First Shows

kate_shoes_ick.jpg Kate Hurst Frederich Gray One Fell Swoop Even though Australian Fashion Week doesn't technically start until April 30, we're already starting to see pics from some of the earlier shows out of Sydney. I have to say I am really, really unhappy with the shoes at the Kate Hurst and Frederich Gray shows. Like, if shoes are going to look uncomfortable, they should also look hot. These just look like hooker shoes. And not even, like, a fashionable hooker. Like a crack-whore hooker. I really like the skirt style at the One Fell Swoop show. We s...

Idol Gives Back Rakes in $60M

ryan.jpg Let's see you beat that, Brangelina! American Idol's "very special" Idol Gives Back has raised over $60 million for the newly formed Charity Projects Entertainment Fund. The proceeds will be split between the U.S. -- funding literacy programs, food banks, children's health programs and Boys & Girls Club -- and Africa, where they will help fight malaria, AIDS and TB. Viewers phoned in a record 70 million votes on Tuesday night, and NewsCorp, which owns Fox, kicked in $5 million by shellin...

Alec Baldwin Kicks Off His Apology Tour

In the wake of StupidThoughtlessLittlePig-Gate, Alec Baldwin has begun making the talk-show rounds to apologize for calling his 11-year-old daughter names clearly intented for his ex-wife on her voicemail. He started things off today with a pre-taped interview airing on The View, where he manages to kinda-sorta apologize for turning his anger toward Kim Basinger on his daughter and plug his website at the very same time (video here). Now that's talent!

Said Baldwin, "Obviously, calling your child a pig or anything else is improper and inappropriate and I apologize to my daughter for that. There's nothing wrong with being frustrated or angry about the situation. It's the way you do it, and as people often do in this world, I took it out on the wrong person."

The embattled actor recently split from his agents at CAA, and the rumor mill is now reporting that he bailed because CAA also represents, which put together a (hilarious!) video of Alec Baldwin's voicemail addressed to Dora the Explorer. ( is also responsible for the infamous Will-Ferrell-and-the-Drunken-Two-Year-Old-Landlord video, which has been quite the viral hit.)

/>In the wake of StupidThoughtlessLittlePig-Gate, Alec Baldwin has begun making the talk-show rounds to apologize for calling his 11-year-old daughter names clearly intented for his ex-wife on her voicemail. He started things off today with a pre-taped interview airing on The View, where he manages to kinda-sorta apologize for turning his anger toward Kim Basinger on his daughter and plug his website at the very same time (video here). Now that's talent! Said Baldwin, "Obviously, calling your child a p...